The Quantile - Quantile - Plot (QQ Plot) enables to validate whether two given samples of data are drawn from the same continuous distribution of dimension 1.
We denote by and two given samples of dimension 1.
A QQ-Plot is based on the comparison of some empirical quantiles. Let be the quantile of order of the distribution , with . It is defined by:
The empirical quantile of order built on the sample is defined by:
where denotes the integral part of and is the sample sorted in ascended order:
Thus, the smallest value of the sample is an estimate of the -quantile where , for .
The QQ-plot draws the couples of empirical quantiles of the same order from both samples: . If both samples follow the same distribution, then the points should be close to the diagonal.
The following figure illustrates a QQ-plot with two samples of size . In this example, the points remain close to the diagonal and the hypothesis “Both samples are drawn from the same distribution” does not seem false, even if a more quantitative analysis should be carried out to confirm this.
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(Source code
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In this second example, the two samples clearly arise from two different distributions.