Estimating moments with Monte Carlo

Let us denote \outputRV = \model\left( \inputRV \right) = \left( Y^1,\ldots,Y^{\outputDim} \right), where \inputRV= \left( X^1,\ldots,X^{\inputDim} \right) is a random vector. We seek here to evaluate, the characteristics of the central part (central tendency and spread i.e. mean and variance) of the probability distribution of a variable Y^i, using the probability distribution of the random vector \inputRV.

The Monte Carlo method is a numerical integration method using sampling, which can be used, for example, to determine the mean and standard deviation of a random variable Y^i (if these quantities exist, which is not the case for all probability distributions):

    m_{Y^i} = \int u \, f_{Y^i}(u) \, du,\ \sigma_{Y^i} = \sqrt{\int \left( u-m_{Y^i} \right)^2 \, f_{Y^i}(u) \, du}

where f_{Y^i} represents the probability density function of Y^i.

Suppose now that we have the sample \left\{ y^i_1,\ldots,y^i_\sampleSize \right\} of \sampleSize values randomly and independently sampled from the probability distribution f_{Y^i}; this sample can be obtained by drawing a \sampleSize sample \left\{ \vect{x}_1,\ldots,\vect{x}_\sampleSize \right\} of the random vector \inputRV (the distribution of which is known) and by computing \vect{y}_j =  \model \left( \vect{x}_j \right) \ \forall 1 \leq j \leq \sampleSize. Then, the Monte-Carlo estimations for the mean and standard deviation are the empirical mean and standard deviations of the sample:

    \widehat{m}_{Y^i} = \frac{1}{\sampleSize} \sum_{j=1}^\sampleSize y^i_j,\ \widehat{\sigma}_{Y^i} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{\sampleSize} \sum_{j=1}^\sampleSize \left( y^i_j - \widehat{m}_{Y^i} \right)^2}

These are just estimations, but by the law of large numbers their convergence to the real values m_{Y^i} and \sigma_{Y^i} is assured as the sample size \sampleSize tends to infinity. The Central Limit Theorem enables the difference between the estimated value and the sought value to be controlled by means of a confidence interval (especially if \sampleSize is sufficiently large, typically \sampleSize > a few dozens even if there is now way to say for sure if the asymptotic behavior is reached). For a probability \alpha strictly between 0 and 1 chosen by the user, one can, for example, be sure with a confidence \alpha, that the true value of m_{Y^i} is between \widehat{m}_{i,\inf} and \widehat{m}_{i,\sup} calculated analytically from simple formulae. To illustrate, for \alpha = 0.95:

    \widehat{m}_{i,\inf} = \widehat{m}_{Y^i} - 1.96 \frac{\displaystyle \widehat{\sigma}_{Y^i}}{\displaystyle \sqrt{\sampleSize}},\ \widehat{m}_{i,\sup} = \widehat{m}_{Y^i} + 1.96 \frac{\widehat{\sigma}_{Y^i}}{\sqrt{\sampleSize}},\ \textrm{that is to say}\ \textrm{Pr} \left(  \widehat{m}_{i,\inf} \leq m_{Y^i} \leq \widehat{m}_{i,\sup} \right) = 0.95

The size of the confidence interval, which represents the uncertainty of this mean estimation, decreases as \sampleSize increases but more gradually (the rate is proportional to \sqrt{\sampleSize}: multiplying \sampleSize by 100 reduces the length of the confidence interval \left| \widehat{m}_{i,\inf}-\widehat{m}_{i,\sup} \right| by a factor 10).

This method is also referred to as Direct sampling, crude Monte Carlo method, Classical Monte Carlo integration.

(Source code, png)
