

Perform a \chi^2 goodness-of-fit test for 1-d discrete distributions.

Refer to Chi-squared test.

sample2-d sequence of float

Tested sample.

modelDistribution or DistributionFactory

Tested distribution.

levelfloat, 0 \leq \alpha \leq 1, optional

This is the risk \alpha of committing a Type I error, that is an incorrect rejection of a true null hypothesis.

n_parametersint, 0 \leq k, optional

The number of parameters in the distribution that have been estimated from the sample. This parameter must not be provided if a DistributionFactory was provided as the second argument (it will internally be set to the number of parameters estimated by the DistributionFactory). It can be specified if a Distribution was provided as the second argument, but if it is not, it will be set equal to 0.


Estimated distribution (if model is of type DistributionFactory).


Test result.

TypeErrorIf the distribution is not discrete or if the sample is



>>> import openturns as ot
>>> ot.RandomGenerator.SetSeed(0)
>>> distribution = ot.Poisson()
>>> sample = distribution.getSample(30)
>>> fitted_dist, test_result = ot.FittingTest.ChiSquared(sample, ot.PoissonFactory(), 0.01)
>>> test_result
class=TestResult name=Unnamed type=ChiSquared Poisson binaryQualityMeasure=true p-value threshold=0.01 p-value=0.698061 statistic=0.150497 description=[Poisson(lambda = 1.06667) vs sample Poisson]

Examples using the function

Test a discrete distribution

Test a discrete distribution