
PartialRegression(firstSample, secondSample, selection, level=0.05)

Test whether two discrete samples are independent.

Available usages:

LinearModelTest.PartialRegression(firstSample, secondSample, selection)

LinearModelTest.PartialRegression(firstSample, secondSample, selection, level)

firstSample2-d sequence of float

First tested sample, of dimension n \geq 1.

secondSample2-d sequence of float

Second tested sample, of dimension 1.

selectionsequence of int, maximum integer value < n

List of indices selecting which subsets of the first sample will successively be tested with the second sample through the regression test.

levelpositive float < 1

Threshold p-value of the test (= first kind risk), it must be < 1, equal to 0.05 by default.

testResultsCollection of TestResult

Results for each component of the linear model including intercept.


The Partial Regression Test is used to assess the linearity between a subset of components of firstSample and secondSample. The parameter selection enables to select specific subsets of the firstSample to be tested.


>>> import openturns as ot
>>> ot.RandomGenerator.SetSeed(0)
>>> dim = 3
>>> distCol = [ot.Normal()] * dim
>>> S = ot.CorrelationMatrix(dim)
>>> S[0, dim - 1] = 0.99
>>> copula = ot.NormalCopula(S)
>>> distribution = ot.JointDistribution(distCol, copula)
>>> sample = distribution.getSample(30)
>>> firstSample = sample[:, :2]
>>> secondSample = sample[:, 2]
>>> selection = [1]
>>> test_result = ot.LinearModelTest.PartialRegression(firstSample, secondSample, selection)
>>> print(test_result[1])
class=TestResult name=Unnamed type=Regression binaryQualityMeasure=true p-value threshold=0.05 p-value=0.579638 statistic=-0.560438 description=[]