Probabilistic modelling¶
Continuous parametric distributions¶
Base class for probability distributions. |
Collection. |
Base class for elliptical distributions. |
Allow one to override Distribution from Python. |
Allow one to override Distribution from a chaospy distribution. |
Allow one to override Distribution from a scipy distribution. |
Arcsine distribution. |
Beta distribution. |
Burr distribution. |
distribution. |
distribution. |
Dirichlet distribution. |
Epanechnikov distribution. |
Exponential distribution. |
Fisher-Snedecor distribution. |
Frechet distribution. |
Gamma distribution. |
Generalized ExtremeValue distribution. |
Generalized Pareto distribution. |
Gumbel distribution. |
Histogram distribution. |
InverseChiSquare distribution. |
InverseGamma distribution. |
Inverse normal distribution. |
Inverse-Wishart distribution. |
Laplace distribution. |
Logistic distribution. |
Lognormal distribution. |
LogUniform distribution. |
Meixner distribution. |
NonCentralChiSquare distribution. |
NonCentralStudent distribution. |
Normal distribution. |
NormalGamma distribution. |
Pareto distribution. |
Rayleigh distribution. |
Rice distribution. |
SmoothedUniform distribution. |
Squared Normal distribution. |
Student distribution. |
Trapezoidal distribution. |
Triangular distribution. |
TruncatedNormal distribution. |
Truncated distribution over a mesh. |
Uniform distribution. |
UniformOverMesh distribution. |
UniformOrderStatistics distribution. |
Von Mises distribution. |
WeibullMin distribution. |
WeibullMax distribution. |
Wishart distribution. |
Discrete parametric distributions¶
Bernoulli distribution. |
Binomial distribution. |
Dirac distribution. |
Geometric distribution. |
Hypergeometric distribution. |
Multinomial distribution. |
Polya distribution. |
KPermutations distribution. |
Poisson distribution. |
Skellam distribution. |
UserDefined distribution. |
ZipfMandelbrot distribution. |
Parametrized distributions¶
Parametrized distribution. |
Define a distribution with particular parameters. |
Arcsine distribution parameters. |
Beta distribution parameters. |
Gamma distribution parameters. |
Gumbel rate/location parametrization. |
Gumbel distribution parameters. |
LogNormal distribution parameters. |
LogNormal distribution parameters. |
LogNormal distribution parameters. |
Uniform distribution parameters. |
WeibullMax distribution parameters. |
WeibullMin distribution parameters. |
Pseudo-random numbers generator¶
Uniform random generator. |
Random generator state. |
Combining and transforming distributions¶
Bayes distribution. |
Merge of a collection of independent distributions. |
Joint distribution. |
Composite distribution. |
Deconditioned distribution. |
Distribution conditioned by a deterministic vector. |
Graphical model joint distribution. |
Discrete compound distribution. |
Marginal distribution. |
Maximum distribution. |
MaximumEntropyOrderStatistics distribution. |
Mixed Histogram/UserDefined distribution. |
Compatibility tests of marginals with respect to the order statistics constraint. |
Distribution conditioned by observations. |
Product distribution. |
RandomMixture distribution. |
Truncated distribution. |
Build a particular linear combination of probability density functions. |
Build a linear combination of probability density functions. |
Refer to Copulas.
Base class for bivariate Archimedean copulas. |
AliMikhailHaq copula. |
Clayton copula. |
Empirical Bernstein copula. |
FarlieGumbelMorgenstern copula. |
Frank copula. |
Gumbel copula. |
Independent copula. |
Plackett copula. |
ExtremeValue copula. |
Joe copula. |
Galambos copula. |
MarshallOlkin copula. |
MaximumEntropyOrderStatisticsCopula copula. |
MinCopula. |
Normal copula. |
Student copula. |
Combining and transforming copulas¶
Merge of a collection of independent copulas. |
Sklar copula. |
Copula built as an ordinal sum of copulas. |
Random vectors¶
Random vectors. |
Allow one to overload RandomVector from Python. |
Random Vector obtained by applying a function. |
Conditional random vector. |
Constant Random Vector. |
Random Vector from a distribution. |
Low-level distribution functions¶
probability distribution function of a binomial distribution. |
The probability distribution function of an hypergeometric distribution. |
Probability density function of a NonCentralChiSquare distribution. |
Probability density function of a NonCentralStudent distribution. |
PDF of a unit-variance centered Normal distribution. |
probability distribution function of a Poisson distribution. |
Expectation of the min of n independent standard normal random variables. |
Exact margin factor for bilateral covering interval of a Normal sample. |
Exact margin factor for bilateral covering interval of pooled Normal samples. |
Logarithm of the probability distribution function of a binomial distribution. |
Logarithm of the probability distribution function of an hypergeometric distribution. |
Log-PDF of a unit-variance centered Normal distribution. |
Logarithm of the probability distribution function of a Poisson distribution. |
Log-CDF of a unit-variance centered Normal distribution. |
Cumulative distribution function of a Beta distribution on . |
Cumulative distribution function of the Dickey-Fuller statistic. |
Cumulative distribution function of the Dickey-Fuller statistic. |
Cumulative distribution function of the Dickey-Fuller statistic. |
Cumulative distribution function of a Gamma distribution on . |
Cumulative distribution function of an hypergeometric distribution. |
Cumulative distribution function of a Kolmogorov distribution. |
Cumulative distribution function of a NonCentralChiSquare. |
Cumulative distribution function of a NonCentralStudent distribution. |
Cumulative distribution function of a unit-variance centered Normal distribution. |
Cumulative distribution function of an 2D standard Normal distribution. |
Cumulative distribution function of a 3D Normal distribution. |
Cumulative distribution function of the Pearson statistic distribution. |
Cumulative distribution function of a the Spearman correlation distribution. |
Cumulative distribution function of a scalar Student distribution. |
Quantile of a Beta distribution on . |
Quantile of the Dickey-Fuller statistic. |
Quantile of the Dickey-Fuller statistic. |
Quantile of the Dickey-Fuller statistic. |
Quantile of a Gamma distribution on . |
Quantile of a unit-variance centered Normal distribution. |
Quantile of a Poisson distribution. |
Quantile of a scalar Student distribution. |
Realization of a Beta distribution on . |
Realization of a binomial distribution. |
Realization of a bounded integral discrete distribution. |
Realization of a Gamma distribution on . |
Realization of an hypergeometric distribution. |
Realization of a NonCentralChiSquare distribution. |
Realization of a scalar NonCentralStudent distribution. |
Realization of a unit-variance centered Normal distribution. |
Realization of a Poisson distribution. |
Realization of a scalar Student distribution. |
Realization of a uniform distribution over a segment. |
Realization of a uniform distribution over a triangle. |
Realization of a uniform distribution over a tetrahedron. |
Realization of a uniform distribution over a simplex. |