.. _spearman_coefficient: Spearman correlation coefficient -------------------------------- Spearman’s correlation coefficient :math:`\rho^S_{U,V}` aims to measure the strength of a monotonic relationship between two random variables :math:`U` and :math:`V`. It is in fact equivalent to the Pearson’s correlation coefficient after having transformed :math:`U` and :math:`V` to linearize any monotonic relationship (remember that Pearson’s correlation coefficient may only be used to measure the strength of linear relationships, see :ref:`Pearson’s correlation coefficient `): .. math:: \begin{aligned} \rho^S_{U,V} = \rho_{F_U(U),F_V(V)} \end{aligned} where :math:`F_U` and :math:`F_V` denote the cumulative distribution functions of :math:`U` and :math:`V`. If we arrange a sample made up of :math:`N` pairs :math:`\left\{ (u_1,v_1),(u_2,v_2),\ldots,(u_N,v_N) \right\}`, the estimation of Spearman’s correlation coefficient first of all requires a ranking to produce two samples :math:`(u_1,\ldots,u_N)` and :math:`(v_1,\ldots,v_N)`. The ranking :math:`u_{[i]}` of the observation :math:`u_i` is defined as the position of :math:`u_i` in the sample reordered in ascending order: if :math:`u_i` is the smallest value in the sample :math:`(u_1,\ldots,u_N)`, its ranking would equal 1; if :math:`u_i` is the second smallest value in the sample, its ranking would equal 2, and so forth. The ranking transformation is a procedure that takes the sample :math:`(u_1,\ldots,u_N)`) as input data and produces the sample :math:`(u_{[1]},\ldots,u_{[N]})` as an output result. For example, let us consider the sample :math:`(u_1,u_2,u_3,u_4) = (1.5,0.7,5.1,4.3)`. We therefore have :math:`(u_{[1]},u_{[2]}u_{[3]},u_{[4]}) = (2,1,4,3)`. :math:`u_1 = 1.5` is in fact the second smallest value in the original, :math:`u_2 = 0.7` the smallest, etc. The estimation of Spearman’s correlation coefficient is therefore equal to Pearson’s coefficient estimated with the aid of the :math:`N` pairs :math:`(u_{[1]},v_{[1]})`, :math:`(u_{[2]},v_{[2]})`, …, :math:`(u_{[N]},v_{[N]})`: .. math:: \begin{aligned} \widehat{\rho}^S_{U,V} = \frac{ \displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^N \left( u_{[i]} - \overline{u}_{[]} \right) \left( v_{[i]} - \overline{v}_{[]} \right) }{ \sqrt{\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^N \left( u_{[i]} - \overline{u}_{[]} \right)^2 \left( v_{[i]} - \overline{v}_{[]} \right)^2} } \end{aligned} where :math:`\overline{u}_{[]}` and :math:`\overline{v}_{[]}` represent the empirical means of the samples :math:`(u_{[1]},\ldots,u_{[N]})` and :math:`(v_{[1]},\ldots,v_{[N]})`. The Spearman’s correlation coefficient takes values between -1 and 1. The closer its absolute value is to 1, the stronger the indication is that a monotonic relationship exists between variables :math:`U` and :math:`V`. The sign of Spearman’s coefficient indicates if the two variables increase or decrease in the same direction (positive coefficient) or in opposite directions (negative coefficient). We note that a correlation coefficient equal to 0 does not necessarily imply the independence of variables :math:`U` and :math:`V`. There are two possible situations in the event of a zero Spearman’s correlation coefficient: - the variables :math:`U` and :math:`V` are in fact independent, - or a non-monotonic relationship exists between :math:`U` and :math:`V`. .. plot:: import openturns as ot from openturns.viewer import View N = 20 ot.RandomGenerator.SetSeed(10) x = ot.Uniform(0.0, 10.0).getSample(N) f = ot.SymbolicFunction(['x'], ['x^2']) y = f(x) + ot.Normal(0.0, 5.0).getSample(N) graph = f.draw(0.0, 10.0) graph.setTitle('There is a monotonic relationship between U and V:\nSpearman\'s coefficient is a relevant measure of dependency...') graph.setXTitle('u') graph.setYTitle('v') cloud = ot.Cloud(x, y) cloud.setPointStyle('circle') cloud.setColor('orange') graph.add(cloud) View(graph) .. plot:: import openturns as ot from openturns.viewer import View N = 20 ot.RandomGenerator.SetSeed(10) x = ot.Uniform(0.0, 10.0).getSample(N) f = ot.SymbolicFunction(['x'], ['5*x+10']) y = f(x) + ot.Normal(0.0, 5.0).getSample(N) graph = f.draw(0.0, 10.0) graph.setTitle('... because the rank transformation turns any monotonic trend\ninto a linear relation for which Pearson\'s correlation is relevant') graph.setXTitle('u') graph.setYTitle('v') cloud = ot.Cloud(x, y) cloud.setPointStyle('circle') cloud.setColor('orange') graph.add(cloud) View(graph) .. plot:: import openturns as ot from openturns.viewer import View N = 20 ot.RandomGenerator.SetSeed(10) x = ot.Uniform(0.0, 10.0).getSample(N) f = ot.SymbolicFunction(['x'], ['5']) y = ot.Uniform(0.0, 10.0).getSample(N) graph = f.draw(0.0, 10.0) graph.setTitle('nSpearman\'s coefficient estimate is close to zero\nbecause U and V are independent') graph.setXTitle('u') graph.setYTitle('v') cloud = ot.Cloud(x, y) cloud.setPointStyle('circle') cloud.setColor('orange') graph.add(cloud) View(graph) .. plot:: import openturns as ot from openturns.viewer import View N = 20 ot.RandomGenerator.SetSeed(10) x = ot.Uniform(0.0, 10.0).getSample(N) f = ot.SymbolicFunction(['x'], ['30*sin(x)']) y = f(x) + ot.Normal(0.0, 5.0).getSample(N) graph = f.draw(0.0, 10.0) graph.setTitle('Spearman\'s coefficient estimate is quite close to zero\neven though U and V are not independent') graph.setXTitle('u') graph.setYTitle('v') cloud = ot.Cloud(x, y) cloud.setPointStyle('circle') cloud.setColor('orange') graph.add(cloud) View(graph) Spearman’s coefficient is often referred to as the rank correlation coefficient. .. topic:: API: - See method :py:meth:`~openturns.CorrelationAnalysis.computeSpearmanCorrelation` - See method :py:meth:`~openturns.Sample.computeSpearmanCorrelation` .. topic:: Examples: - See :doc:`/auto_data_analysis/manage_data_and_samples/plot_sample_correlation` .. topic:: References: - [saporta1990]_ - [dixon1983]_ - [nisthandbook]_ - [dagostino1986]_ - [bhattacharyya1997]_ - [sprent2001]_ - [burnham2002]_