Estimate a GPD on the Dow Jones Index dataΒΆ

In this example, we illustrate various techniques of extreme value modeling applied to the 5-year series of daily Dow Jones Index closing prices. Readers should refer to [coles2001] example 1.8 to get more details.

import math as m
import openturns as ot
import openturns.experimental as otexp
import openturns.viewer as otv
from openturns.usecases import coles
import pandas as pd

First, we load the Dow Jones dataset and plot it through time. We can see that the process is non-stationary.

full = pd.read_csv(coles.Coles().dowjones, index_col=0, parse_dates=True)
graph = ot.Graph(
    "Daily closing prices of the Dow Jones Index", "Day index", "Index", True, ""
# Care: to get the real period range, multiply by a factor to account for non-working days missing values!
size = len(full)
days = ot.Sample([[i] for i in range(size)])
dataDowJones = ot.Sample.BuildFromDataFrame(full)
curve = ot.Curve(days, dataDowJones)
view = otv.View(graph)
Daily closing prices of the Dow Jones Index
1995-09-11 02:00:00  4704.94
1995-09-12 02:00:00  4747.21
1995-09-13 02:00:00  4765.52
1995-09-14 02:00:00  4801.80
1995-09-15 02:00:00  4797.57
1995-09-18 02:00:00  4780.41
1995-09-19 02:00:00  4767.04
1995-09-20 02:00:00  4792.69
1995-09-21 02:00:00  4767.40
1995-09-22 02:00:00  4764.15

In that example, the time dependence can not be explained by trends or seasonal cycles. Many empirical studies have advised to consider the logarithms of ratios of successive observations to get an approximation to stationarity. We apply that transformation:

\tilde{X}_i = \log X_i - \log X_{i-1}.

The resulting time series appears to be reasonably close to stationarity.

transfDataDJ = ot.Sample(
        [m.log(dataDowJones[i, 0]) - m.log(dataDowJones[i - 1, 0])]
        for i in range(1, size)
curve = ot.Curve(days[:-1], transfDataDJ)
graph = ot.Graph(
    "Log-daily returns of the Dow Jones Index", "Day index", "Index", True, ""
view = otv.View(graph)
Log-daily returns of the Dow Jones Index

For convenience of presentation, we rescale the data:

\tilde{X}_i \rightarrow 100\tilde{X}_i.

scalTransfDataDJ = transfDataDJ * 100.0
size = len(scalTransfDataDJ)

In order to select a threshold upon which the GPD model will be fitted, we draw the mean residual life plot with approximate 95\% confidence interval. The curve is initially linear and shows significant curvature for u \in [-1, 2]. Then for u \geq 2, the curve is considered as reasonably linear when judged to confidence intervals. Hence, we choose the threshold u=2. There are 37 exceedances of u.

factory = ot.GeneralizedParetoFactory()
graph = factory.drawMeanResidualLife(scalTransfDataDJ)
view = otv.View(graph)
u = 2.0
Mean residual life plot

Stationary GPD modeling assuming independence in data

We first assume that the dependence between the transformed data is negligible, so we first consider the data as independent observations over the observation period. We estimate the parameters of the GPD distribution modeling the excesses above u=2 by maximizing the log-likelihood of the excesses.

result_LL = factory.buildMethodOfLikelihoodMaximizationEstimator(scalTransfDataDJ, u)

We get the fitted GPD and the estimated parameters (\hat{\sigma}, \hat{\xi}).

fitted_GPD = result_LL.getDistribution()
desc = fitted_GPD.getParameterDescription()
param = fitted_GPD.getParameter()
print(", ".join([f"{p}: {value:.3f}" for p, value in zip(desc, param)]))
print("log-likelihood = ", result_LL.getLogLikelihood())
sigma: 0.626, xi: 0.066, u: 2.000
log-likelihood =  -22.103513585430218

We get the asymptotic distribution of the estimator (\hat{\sigma}, \hat{\xi}). The threshold u has not been estimated to ensure the regularity of the model and then the asymptotic properties of the maximum likelihood estimators. This is the reason why it appears as a Dirac distribution centered on the chosen threshold. In that case, the asymptotic distribution of (\hat{\sigma}, \hat{\xi}) is normal.

parameterEstimate = result_LL.getParameterDistribution()
print("Asymptotic distribution of the estimator : ")
Asymptotic distribution of the estimator :
BlockIndependentDistribution(Normal(mu = [0.625758,0.0661835], sigma = [0.1838,0.193486], R = [[  1        -0.795905 ]
 [ -0.795905  1        ]]), Dirac(point = [2]))

We get the covariance matrix and the standard deviation of (\hat{\sigma}, \hat{\xi}, u) where u is deterministic.

print("Cov matrix = \n", parameterEstimate.getCovariance())
print("Standard dev = ", parameterEstimate.getStandardDeviation())
Cov matrix =
 [[  0.0337823 -0.0283045  0         ]
 [ -0.0283045  0.0374369  0         ]
 [  0          0          0         ]]
Standard dev =  [0.1838,0.193486,0]

We get the marginal confidence intervals of order 0.95 of (\hat{\sigma}, \hat{\xi}).

order = 0.95
for i in range(2):  # exclude u parameter (fixed)
    ci = parameterEstimate.getMarginal(i).computeBilateralConfidenceInterval(order)
    print(desc[i] + ":", ci)
sigma: [0.265518, 0.985999]
xi: [-0.313043, 0.44541]

At last, we can check the quality of the inference thanks to the 4 usual diagnostic plots:

  • the probability-probability pot,

  • the quantile-quantile pot,

  • the return level plot,

  • the data histogram and the density of the fitted model.

We conclude that the goodness-of-fit in the quantile plots seems unconvincing, even if the other plots appear to be reasonable. This is due to the fact that the excesses can not be considered as independent: the transformed series \tilde{X}_i has a rich structure of temporal dependence.

validation = otexp.GeneralizedParetoValidation(result_LL, scalTransfDataDJ)
graph = validation.drawDiagnosticPlot()
view = otv.View(graph)
, Sample versus model PP-plot, Sample versus model QQ-plot, Return level plot, Density

Stationary GPD modeling taking into account the dependence in data

We illustrate the fact that the excesses of the transformed series happen in groups. Hence we use the declustering method which filters the dependent observations exceeding a given threshold to obtain a set of threshold excesses that can be assumed as independent.

Consecutive exceedances of u belong to the same cluster. Two distinct clusters are separated by r consecutive observations under the threshold. Within each cluster, we select the maximum value that will be used to infer the GPD distribution. The cluster maxima are assumed to be independent.

On the graph, we show the clusters over the threshold u=2 and all the maxima selected within each cluster. It is possible to extract the data belonging to the same cluster and the cluster maximum series. We denote by n_c the number of clusters and by n_u the number of exceedances above u.

part = otexp.SamplePartition(scalTransfDataDJ)
r = 3
peaks, clusters = part.getPeakOverThreshold(u, r)
nc = len(peaks)
nu = sum([1 if scalTransfDataDJ[i, 0] > u else 0 for i in range(size)])
print(f"nc={nc} nu={u} theta={nc / nu:.3f}")
graph = clusters.draw(u)
    "Threshold exceedances and clusters by transformed Dow Jones Index series"
view = otv.View(graph)
Threshold exceedances and clusters by transformed Dow Jones Index series
nc=32 nu=2.0 theta=0.865

We estimate a stationary GPD on the clusters maxima which are independent with the 95\% confidence interval of each parameter.

result_LL = factory.buildMethodOfLikelihoodMaximizationEstimator(peaks, u)
sigma, xi, _ = result_LL.getParameterDistribution().getMean()
sigma_stddev, xi_stddev, _ = result_LL.getParameterDistribution().getStandardDeviation()
    f"u={u} r={r} nc={nc} sigma={sigma:.2f} ({sigma_stddev:.2f}) xi={xi:.2f} ({xi_stddev:.2f})",
    end=" ",
u=2.0 r=3 nc=32 sigma=0.54 (0.18) xi=0.27 (0.28)

We evaluate the T=100-year return level which corresponds to the m-observation return level, where m = T*n_y with n_y the number of observations per year. Here, we have daily observations, hence n_y = 365. To calculate it, we evaluate the extremal index \theta which is the inverse of the mean length of the clusters, estimated by the ratio between the number of clusters and the number of exceedances of u.

theta = nc / nu
ny = 365
T = 100
xm_100 = factory.buildReturnLevelEstimator(result_LL, scalTransfDataDJ, T * ny, theta)
print(f"x100={xm_100.getMean()} ({xm_100.getStandardDeviation()}) theta={theta:.3f}")
x100=[12.5097] ([10.6691]) theta=0.865

We plot the return level for the new fitted model that takes into account dependence between excesses. We can see the fitted model works well. However, the large return level confidence intervals obtained for extreme return levels makes it difficult to make reliable predictions with any degree of certainty.

validation = otexp.GeneralizedParetoValidation(result_LL, peaks)
grid = validation.drawDiagnosticPlot()
rlPlot = grid.getGraph(1, 0)
rlPlot.setTitle(rlPlot.getTitle() + f" (u={u} r={r})")
view = otv.View(rlPlot)
Return level plot (u=2.0 r=3)

We plot the whole series of validation graphs of the new fitted model.

view = otv.View(grid)
, Sample versus model PP-plot, Sample versus model QQ-plot, Return level plot, Density