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Plot Smolyak multi-indices¶
The goal of this example is to plot the multi-indices used in Smolyak’s quadrature.
For a given dimension and a given level
Smolyak’s quadrature is the combination of tensorized univariate quadratures.
These quadrature are defined by the set of multi-indices:
where is the 1-norm of the
The goal of this script is to plot the multi-indices involved in Smolyak’s
quadrature for different values of the level in
import openturns as ot
import openturns.viewer as otv
from matplotlib import pylab as plt
In the first example, we print the indices involved in
Smolyak-Legendre quadrature of level 3.
The multi-indices are computed using the
Actually, the multi-indices do not actually depend on the
underlying univariate quadratures, but this is required for
the openturns.SmolyakExperiment
collection = [ot.GaussProductExperiment()] * 2
level = 3
print("level = ", level)
experiment = ot.SmolyakExperiment(collection, level)
indices = experiment.computeCombination()
level = 3
We see that the multi-indices have a sum which is equal to either 3 or 4. In other words, these multi-indices belong to two different layers of constant 1-norms.
In order to see how this evolves depending on the level of the quadrature, the following function creates a 2D plot of the set of multi-indices.
def drawSmolyakIndices(level):
# Plot Smolyak indices of given level in 2 dimensions
collection = [ot.GaussProductExperiment()] * 2
experiment = ot.SmolyakExperiment(collection, level)
indices = experiment.computeCombination()
sample = indices
graph = ot.Graph("L = %d" % (level), "k1", "k2", True)
cloud = ot.Cloud(sample)
return graph
In the following script, we create a grid of plots, where each graph corresponds to a given quadrature level. The bounding box of each graph is set to a constant value, so that all graphs have the same X and Y bounds.
levelMax = 8.0
boundingBox = ot.Interval([0.0] * 2, [levelMax] * 2)
nbrows = 2
nbcols = 3
grid = ot.GridLayout(nbrows, nbcols)
level = 1
for i in range(nbrows):
for j in range(nbcols):
graph = drawSmolyakIndices(level)
if i < nbrows - 1:
if j > 0:
grid.setGraph(i, j, graph)
level += 1
view = otv.View(grid, figure_kw={"figsize": (5.0, 3.0)})
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.5, hspace=0.7)

We see that when the level increases, the set of Smolyak multi-indices correspond to two different layers of constant 1-norm. This is a consequence of Smolyak’s quadrature, which is based on tensorization of univariate difference quadratures.