API documentation ================= Otfmi facilitates the analysis of FMUs **at a given time step and/or over time** (*static* versus *dynamic* analyses). Static analysis --------------- The class **FMUFunction** wraps the FMU in an :py:class:`openturns.Function`. Its output corresponds to the FMU’s output at its last simulation time. When the FMU is static (i.e. its output is time-independent), the value of the last simulation time is indifferent. .. currentmodule:: otfmi .. autosummary:: :toctree: _generated/ :template: class.rst_t FMUFunction Its lower-level counterpart is **OpenTURNSFMUFunction**, closer to PyFMI’s methods but not directly usable with OpenTURNS. .. autosummary:: :toctree: _generated/ :template: class.rst_t OpenTURNSFMUFunction Dynamic analysis ---------------- The class **FMUPointToFieldFunction** wraps the FMU in an :py:class:`openturns.PointToFieldFunction`. Its output is a :py:class:`openturns.Field` gathering the outputs as function of time. .. autosummary:: :toctree: _generated/ :template: class.rst_t FMUPointToFieldFunction Its lower-level counterpart is **OpenTURNSFMUPointToFieldFunction**, closer to PyFMI’s methods but not directly usable with OpenTURNS. .. autosummary:: :toctree: _generated/ :template: class.rst_t OpenTURNSFMUPointToFieldFunction Common low-level functions -------------------------- The submodule **otfmi.fmi** gathers a set of useful functions, employed by the (higher-level) classes mentionned above. .. autosummary:: :toctree: _generated/fmi/ fmi.load_fmu fmi.simulate fmi.parse_kwargs_simulate fmi.apply_initialization_script fmi.get_name_variable fmi.get_causality_str fmi.get_variability fmi.get_fixed_value fmi.get_start_value fmi.set_dict_value From OpenTURNS to FMI --------------------- OTFMI can also export an OpenTURNS function in a Modelica source model (.mo) or Functional Mock-up Unit (.fmu). .. autosummary:: :toctree: _generated/ :template: class.rst_t FunctionExporter