User manual =========== .. currentmodule:: otrobopt The goal is to formulate and solve robust optimization problem. A robust optimization problem consists of a parametric objective objective :math:`J(x, \theta)` and/or a parametric inequality constraint :math:`G(x, \theta)` where :math:`x` is a design variable and :math:`\theta` a parameter. .. math:: \begin{aligned} & \underset{x \in \Rset^n}{\text{minimize~}} & & J(x, \theta) \\ & \text{subject to} & & G(x, \theta) \geq 0\\ \end{aligned} The problem is made robust by: - modelling the parameter :math:`\theta` by the the random vector :math:`\Theta` with given distribution :math:`\cD`. - choosing measure functions :math:`\rho_{J, \cD}` and :math:`\lambda_{G, \cD}` for the objective and constraint functions. The the robust optimization problem reads: .. math:: \begin{aligned} & \underset{x \in \Rset^n}{\text{minimize~}} & & \rho_{J, \cD}(x) \ \\ & \text{subject to} & & \lambda_{G, \cD}(x) \geq 0\\ \end{aligned} The definition of the measure functions is associated to the concept of :class:`~otrobopt.MeasureEvaluation`. A measure evaluation can be used through :class:`~otrobopt.MeasureFunction` to expose generic function services. A robust optimization problem can be defined with :class:`~otrobopt.RobustOptimizationProblem`, and then solved using a :class:`~otrobopt.RobustOptimizationAlgorithm`. Note that this measure evaluation can be discretized over :math:`\theta` so as to define a deterministic optimization problem using :class:`~otrobopt.MeasureFactory`. Measure function ---------------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: _generated/ :template: class.rst_t MeasureFunction Measure evaluation ------------------ .. autosummary:: :toctree: _generated/ :template: class.rst_t MeasureEvaluation .. autosummary:: :toctree: _generated/ :template: MeasureEvaluation.rst_t MeanMeasure MeanStandardDeviationTradeoffMeasure QuantileMeasure WorstCaseMeasure VarianceMeasure JointChanceMeasure IndividualChanceMeasure .. autosummary:: :toctree: _generated/ :template: class.rst_t AggregatedMeasure Define a robust optimization problem ------------------------------------ .. autosummary:: :toctree: _generated/ :template: class.rst_t RobustOptimizationProblem Discretize a measure function ----------------------------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: _generated/ :template: class.rst_t MeasureFactory Solve a robust optimization problem ------------------------------------ .. autosummary:: :toctree: _generated/ :template: class.rst_t RobustOptimizationAlgorithm SequentialMonteCarloRobustAlgorithm .. FIXME: sphinx.errors.SphinxWarning: .../ of openturns.analytical.AnalyticalResult.getHasoferReliabilityIndexSensitivity:4:undefined label: sensitivity_form .. _sensitivity_form: .. _importance_form: Solve an inverse reliability problem ------------------------------------ .. autosummary:: :toctree: _generated/ :template: class.rst_t SubsetInverseSampling SubsetInverseSamplingResult InverseFORM InverseFORMResult