About us


Since the beginning of 2005, a partnership of three companies has been working on building together a tool designed to perform uncertainty treatment and reliability analysis.

  • 2005: Conception, setup of the compilation infrastructure, setup of the development environment, first base classes.

  • 2006: Development of the C++ library

  • 2007: 6 releases (0.9.0-0.11.2) First release the 10th of May, website

  • 2008: 4 releases (0.11.3-0.12.3) More distributions, more wrapping facilities

  • 2009: 2 releases (0.13.0, 0.13.1) Multithreaded wrappers, new algorithms, polynomial chaos expansion

  • 2010: 1 release (0.13.2) Windows port, modularization of the Python bindings, parallelization

  • 2011: 2 releases (0.14.0, 0.15.0) TBB and CMake support, sparse chaos, Numpy compatibility

  • 2012: 1 releases (1.0) Stochastic processes

  • 2013: (1.1, 1.2) Bayesian updating, new matplotlib viewer

  • 2014: (1.3, 1.4) Kriging, native windows support

  • 2015: (1.5, 1.6) Vectorial kriging, HMat support

  • 2016: (1.7, 1.8) Karhunen-Loeve process decomposition, NLopt bindings

  • 2017: (1.9, 1.10) Canonical format low-rank tensor approximation, field functions

  • 2018: (1.11, 1.12) Domains arithmetic, asymptotic Sobol’ estimators, new simulation algorithms

  • 2019: (1.13, 1.14) Calibration, new optimization algorithms, system events


  • Anne Dutfoy

  • Antoine Dumas

  • Aurelie Ladier

  • Denis Barbier

  • Felipe Aguirre Martinez

  • Ivan Dutka-Malen

  • Joseph Mure

  • Julien Schueller

  • Kamal Abboud

  • Kieran Delamotte

  • Mathieu Couplet

  • Mathieu Lapointe

  • Mathieu Souchaud

  • Michael Baudin

  • Pierre Caclin

  • Regis Lebrun

  • Remi Lafage

  • Romuald Conty

  • Sofiane Haddad

  • Vincent Dubourg


Each year a users day event is planned at the beginning of the summer allowing users to exchange on their use of the library and keep up with the new features. The 2019 edition is held at EDF Lab Saclay (France) on the 7th of June.

Citing OpenTURNS

If you use OpenTURNS in a scientific publication, we would appreciate citations to the following paper:

title={OpenTURNS: An industrial software for uncertainty quantification in simulation},
author={Michaël Baudin, Anne Dutfoy, Bertrand Iooss, Anne-Laure Popelin},


Airbus Group funds work since the beginning.

EDF Research and Development funds work since the beginning.

IMACS joined the partnership in 2014.

ONERA joined the partnership in 2019.

Phimeca Engineering funds work since the beginning.