.. _release: =============== Release process =============== 1. New "release" branch 2. Reindent sources (utils/reindent.sh) 3. Goto version number X.Yrc1 (utils/setVersionNumber.sh) 4. Increment rpm package number (distro/rpm) 5. Update Debian package (distro/debian): - Sync with `debian package `_ - Check for new patches - New entry in changelog - Update soversion in rules, rename install files 6. Build new packages on `OBS `_ 7. Upload debian packages using `scripts `_ 8. Merge release branch and tag new version 9. Build `Windows binaries `_ 10. Build `Windows modules binaries `_ 11. Update conda packages `recipe `_ 12. Update conda modules packages `recipes `_ 13. Update `otconda `_ bundle 14. Update `wheels `_ 15. Set version X.Y+1, new changelog in master 16. Drop deprecated methods listed in TODO file