.. _chaos_basis: Polynomial chaos basis ---------------------- | The current section is focused on a specific kind of functional chaos representation that has been implemented, namely *polynomial chaos expansions*. | **Mathematical framework** | Throughout this section, the model response is assumed to be a *scalar* random variable :math:`Y = h(\underline{X})`. However, the following derivations hold in case of a vector-valued response. | Let us suppose that: - :math:`Y = h(\underline{X})` has a finite variance, i.e. :math:`\Var{h(\underline{X})} < \infty`; - :math:`\underline{X}` has independent components. | Then it is shown that :math:`\underline{Y}` may be expanded onto the PC basis as follows: .. math:: :label: PC Y \, \, \equiv \, \, h(\underline{X}) \, \, = \, \, \sum_{j=0}^{\infty} \; a_{j} \; \psi_{j}(\underline{X}) where the :math:`\psi_{j}`\ ’s are multivariate polynomials that are orthonormal with respect to the joint PDF :math:`f_{\underline{X}}(\underline{x})`, that is: .. math:: \langle \psi_{j}(\underline{X}) \; , \; \psi_{k}(\underline{X}) \rangle \, \, \equiv \, \, \Expect{\psi_{j}(\underline{X}) \; \psi_{k}(\underline{X})} \, \, = \, \, \delta_{j,k} where :math:`\delta_{j,k} = 1` if :math:`j=k` and 0 otherwise, and the :math:`a_{j}`\ ’s are deterministic coefficients that fully characterize the response :math:`\underline{Y}`. | **Building of the PC basis – independent random variables** | We first consider the case of *independent* input random variables. In practice, the components :math:`X_i` of random vector :math:`\underline{X}` are rescaled using a specific mapping :math:`T_i`, usually referred to as an *isoprobabilistic transformation* (see ). The set of scaled random variables reads: .. math:: :label: PC_isotransfo U_i \, \, = \, \, T_i(X_i) \quad \quad , \quad \, i=1,\dots,n Common choices for :math:`U_i` are standard distributions such as a standard normal distribution or a uniform distribution over :math:`[-1,1]`. For simplicity, it is assumed from now on that the components of the original input random vector :math:`\underline{X}` have been already scaled, i.e. :math:`X_i = U_i`. | Let us first notice that due to the independence of the input random variables, the input joint PDF may be cast as: .. math:: :label: 3.010qua f_{\vect{X}}(\vect{x}) \, = \, \prod_{i=1}^{n} f_{X_i}(x_{i}) where :math:`f_{X_i}(x_{i})` is the marginal PDF of :math:`X_i`. Let us consider a family :math:`\{\pi^{(i)}_{j}, j \in \Nset\}` of orthonormal polynomials with respect to :math:`f_{X_i}`, : .. math:: :label: 3.010cinq \langle \pi^{(i)}_{j}(X_{i}) \; , \; \pi^{(i)}_{k}(X_{i}) \rangle \, \, \equiv \, \, \Expect{\pi^{(i)}_{j}(X_{i}) \; \pi^{(i)}_{k}(X_{i})} \, \, = \, \, \delta_{j,k} The reader is referred to  for details on the selection of suitable families of orthogonal polynomials. It is assumed that the degree of :math:`\pi^{(i)}_{j}` is :math:`j` for :math:`j>0` and :math:`\pi^{(i)}_{0} \equiv 1` (:math:`i=1,\dots,n`). Upon tensorizing the :math:`n` resulting families of univariate polynomials, one gets a set of orthonormal multivariate polynomials :math:`\{\psi_{\idx}, \idx \in \Nset^n\}` defined by: .. math:: :label: 3.010six \psi_{\idx}(\vect{x}) \, \, \equiv \,\, \pi^{(1)}_{\alpha_{1}}(x_{1}) \times \cdots \times \pi^{(n)}_{\alpha_{n}}(x_{n}) where the multi-index notation :math:`\idx \equiv \{\alpha_{1},\dots,\alpha_{M}\}` has been introduced. **Building of the PC basis – dependent random variables** | In case of *dependent* variables, it is possible to build up an orthonormal basis as follows: .. math:: :label: 3.010seven \psi_{\idx}(\vect{x}) \, \, = \,\, K(\underline{x}) \;\prod_{i=1}^M \pi^{(i)}_{\alpha_{i}}(x_{i}) where :math:`K(\underline{x})` is a function of the copula of :math:`\vect{X}`. Note that such a basis is no longer polynomial. When dealing with independent random variables, one gets :math:`K(\underline{x})=1` and each basis element may be recast as in :eq:`3.010six`. Determining :math:`K(\underline{x})` is usually computationally expensive though, hence an alternative strategy for specific types of input random vectors. | If :math:`\vect{X}` has an elliptical copula instead of an independent one, it may be recast as a random vector :math:`\vect{U}` with independent components using a suitable mapping :math:`T : \vect{X} \mapsto \vect{U}` such as the Nataf transformation. The so-called Rosenblatt transformation may also be applied in case of a Gaussian copula . Thus the model response :math:`Y` may be regarded as a function of :math:`\vect{U}` and expanded onto a *polynomial* chaos expansion with basis elements cast as in :eq:`3.010six`. | **Link with classical deterministic polynomial approximation** In a deterministic setting (i.e. when the input parameters are considered to be deterministic), it is of common practice to substitute the model function :math:`h` by a polynomial approximation over its whole domain of definition as shown in . Actually this approach is strictly equivalent to: #. Regarding the input parameters as random uniform random variables #. Expanding any quantity of interest provided by the model onto a PC expansion made of Legendre polynomials .. topic:: API: - See the available :ref:`orthogonal basis `. .. topic:: Examples: - See :doc:`/auto_meta_modeling/polynomial_chaos_metamodel/plot_functional_chaos` .. topic:: References: - R. Ghanem and P. Spanos, 1991, "Stochastic finite elements -- A spectral approach", Springer Verlag. (Reedited by Dover Publications, 2003).