.. _nataf_transformation: Generalized Nataf Transformation -------------------------------- The Generalized Nataf transformation is an isoprobabilistic transformation (refer to ) which is used under the following context : :math:`\vect{X}` is the input random vector, :math:`F_i` the cumulative density functions of its components and :math:`C` its copula, which is supposed to be elliptical. Let us denote by :math:`\vect{d}` a deterministic vector, :math:`g(\vect{X}\,,\,\vect{d})` the limit state function of the model, :math:`\cD_f = \{\vect{X} \in \Rset^n \, / \, g(\vect{X}\,,\,\vect{d}) \le 0\}` the event considered here and g(,) = 0 its boundary. One way to evaluate the probability content of the event :math:`\cD_f`: .. math:: :label: PfX P_f = \Prob{g(\vect{X}\,,\,\vect{d})\leq 0}= \int_{\cD_f} \pdf\, d\vect{x} is to use the Generalized Nataf transformation :math:`T` which is a diffeomorphism from :math:`\supp{\vect{X}}` into the standard space :math:`\Rset^n`, where distributions are spherical, with zero mean, unit variance and unit correlation matrix. The type of the spherical distribution is the type of the elliptical copula :math:`C`. The Generalized Nataf transformation presented here is a generalisation of the traditional Nataf transformation (see [nataf1962]_): the reference [lebrun2009a]_ shows that the Nataf transformation can be used only if the copula of :math:`\vect{X}` is normal. The Generalized Nataf transformation (see [lebrun2009b]_) extends the Nataf transformation to elliptical copulas. Let us recall some definitions. A random vector :math:`\vect{X}` in :math:`\Rset^n` has an *elliptical distribution* if and only if there exists a deterministic vector :math:`\vect{\mu}` such that the characteristic function of :math:`\vect{X} - \vect{\mu}` is a scalar function of the quadratic form :math:`\vect{u}^t\mat{\Sigma}\, \vect{u}`: .. math:: \begin{aligned} \varphi_{\vect{X}-\vect{\mu}}(\vect{u})=\psi(\vect{u}^t\,\mat{\Sigma}\, \vect{u}) \end{aligned} with :math:`\mat{\Sigma}` a symmetric positive definite matrix of rank :math:`p`. As :math:`\mat{\Sigma}` is symmetric positive, it can be written in the form :math:`\mat{\Sigma}=\mat{D}\,\mat{R}\,\mat{D}`, where :math:`\mat{D}` is the diagonal matrix :math:`\mat{\diag{\sigma_i}}` with :math:`\sigma_i=\sqrt{\Sigma_{ii}}` and :math:`R_{ij}=\frac{\Sigma_{ij}}{\sqrt{\Sigma_{ii}\Sigma_{jj}}}`. With a specific choice of normalization for :math:`\psi`, in the case of finite second moment, the covariance matrix of :math:`\vect{X}` is :math:`\mat{\Sigma}` and :math:`\mat{R}` is then its linear correlation matrix. The matrix :math:`\mat{R}` is always well-defined, even if the distribution has no finite second moment: even in this case, we call it the correlation matrix of the distribution. We note :math:`\vect{\sigma}=(\sigma_1,\dots,\sigma_n)`. We denote by :math:`E_{\vect{\mu},\vect{\sigma},\mat{R},\psi}` the cumulative distribution function of the elliptical distribution :math:`\cE_{\vect{\mu},\vect{\sigma}, \mat{R},\psi}`. An *elliptical copula* :math:`C^E_{\mat{R},\psi}` is the copula of an elliptical distribution :math:`\cE_{\vect{\mu},\vect{\sigma},\mat{R},\psi}`. The *generic elliptical representative* of an elliptical distribution family :math:`\cE_{\vect{\mu},\vect{\sigma},\mat{R},\psi}` is the elliptical distribution whose cumulative distribution function is :math:`E_{\vect{0},\vect{1},\mat{R},\psi}`. The *standard spherical representative* of an elliptical distribution family :math:`\cE_{\vect{\mu},\vect{\sigma},\mat{R},\psi}` is the spherical distribution whose cumulative distribution function is :math:`E_{\vect{0},\vect{1},\mat{I}_n,\psi}`. The family of distributions with marginal cumulative distribution functions are :math:`F_1,\dots,F_n` and any elliptical copula :math:`C^E_{\mat{R},\psi}` is denoted by :math:`{\cD}_{F_1,\dots,F_n,C^E_{\mat{R},\psi}}`. The cumulative distribution function of this distribution is noted :math:`D_{F_1,\dots,F_n,C^E_{\mat{R},\psi}}`. The random vector :math:`\vect{X}` is supposed to be continuous and with full rank. It is also supposed that its cumulative marginal distribution functions :math:`F_i` are strictly increasing (so they are bijective) and that the matrix :math:`\mat{R}` of its elliptical copula is symmetric positive definite. **Generalized Nataf transformation**: Let :math:`\vect{X}` in :math:`\Rset^n` be a continuous random vector following the distribution :math:`D_{F_1,\dots,F_n,C^E_{\mat{R},\psi}}`. The *Generalized Nataf transformation* :math:`T_{Nataf}^{gen}` is defined by: .. math:: \vect{u} = T_{Nataf}^{gen}(\vect{X})=T_3\circ T_2\circ T_1(\vect{X}) where the three transformations :math:`T_1`, :math:`T_2` and :math:`T_3` are given by: .. math:: \begin{array}{l} \begin{array}{rcl} T_1 : \Rset^n & \rightarrow & \Rset^n\\ \vect{x} & \mapsto & \vect{w}=\Tr{(F_1(x_1),\dots,F_n(x_n))} \end{array}\\ \begin{array}{rcl} T_2 : \Rset^n & \rightarrow & \Rset^n\\ \vect{w} & \mapsto & \vect{v}=\Tr{(E^{-1}(w_1),\dots,E^{-1}(w_n))} \end{array}\\ \begin{array}{rcl} T_3 : \Rset^n & \rightarrow & \Rset^n\\ \vect{v} & \mapsto & \vect{u}=\mat{\Gamma}\,\vect{v} \end{array} \end{array} where :math:`E` is the cumulative distribution function of the standard 1-dimensional elliptical distribution with characteristic generator :math:`\psi` and :math:`\mat{\Gamma}` is the inverse of the Cholesky factor of :math:`\mat{R}`. The distribution of :math:`\vect{W}=T_2\circ T_1(\vect{X})` is the generic elliptical representative associated to the copula of :math:`\vect{X}`. The step :math:`T_3` maps this distribution into its standard representative, following exactly the same algebra as the normal copula. Thus, in the Generalized Nataf standard space, the random vector :math:`\vect{U}` follows the standard representative distribution of the copula of the physical random vector :math:`\vect{X}`. If the copula of :math:`\vect{X}` is normal, :math:`\vect{U}` follows the standard normal distribution with independent components. .. topic:: API: - See the available :ref:`Nataf transformations `. .. topic:: References: - O. Ditlevsen and H.O. Madsen, 2004, "Structural reliability methods," Department of mechanical engineering technical university of Denmark - Maritime engineering, internet publication. - J. Goyet, 1998, "Sécurité probabiliste des structures - Fiabilité d'un élément de structure," Collège de Polytechnique. - A. Der Kiureghian, P.L. Liu, 1986,"Structural Reliability Under Incomplete Probabilistic Information", Journal of Engineering Mechanics, vol 112, no. 1, pp85-104. - [lebrun2009a]_ - [lebrun2009b]_ - [lebrun2009c]_ - H.O. Madsen, Krenk, S., Lind, N. C., 1986, "Methods of Structural Safety," Prentice Hall. - [nataf1962]_