.. _ranking_prcc: Uncertainty ranking using PRCC ------------------------------ This method deals with analyzing the influence the random vector :math:`\vect{X} = \left( X^1,\ldots,X^{n_X} \right)` has on the random variable :math:`Y^j` which is being studied for uncertainty. Here we attempt to measure monotonic relationships that exist between :math:`Y^j` and the different components :math:`X^i`. The basic method of hierarchical ordering using Spearman’s coefficients deals with the case where the variable :math:`Y^j` monotonically depends on :math:`n_X` variables :math:`\left\{ X^1,\ldots,X^{n_X} \right\}` but this can be misleading when statistical dependencies between the variables :math:`X^i` exist. In such a situation, the partial rank correlation coefficients can be more useful in ordering the uncertainty hierarchically: the partial rank correlation coefficients :math:`\textrm{PRCC}_{X^i,Y^j}` between the variables :math:`Y^j` and :math:`X^i` attempts to measure the residual influence of :math:`X^i` on :math:`Y^j` once influences from all other variables :math:`X^j` have been eliminated. The estimation for each partial rank correlation coefficient :math:`\textrm{PRCC}_{X^i,Y^j}` uses a set made up of :math:`N` values :math:`\left\{ (y^j1,x_1^1,\ldots,x_1^{n_X}),\ldots,(y^jN,x_N^1,\ldots,x_N^{n_X}) \right\}` of the vector :math:`(Y^j,X^1,\ldots,X^{n_X})`. This requires the following three steps to be carried out: #. Determine the effect of other variables :math:`\left\{ X^j,\ j\neq i \right\}` on :math:`Y^j` by linear regression; when the values of variable :math:`\left\{ X^j,\ j\neq i \right\}` are known, the average forecast for the value of :math:`Y^j` is then available in the form of the equation: .. math:: \widehat{Y^j} = \sum_{k \neq i,\ 1 \leq k \leq n_X} \widehat{a}_k X^k #. Determine the effect of other variables :math:`\left\{ X^j,\ j\neq i \right\}` on :math:`X^i` by linear regression; when the values of variable :math:`\left\{ X^j,\ j\neq i \right\}` are known, the average forecast for the value of :math:`Y^j` is then available in the form of the equation: .. math:: \widehat{X}^i = \sum_{k \neq i,\ 1 \leq k \leq n_X} \widehat{b}_k X^k #. :math:`\textrm{PRCC}_{X^i,Y^j}` is then equal to the Spearman’s correlation coefficient :math:`\widehat{\rho}^S_{Y^j-\widehat{Y^j},X^i-\widehat{X}^i}` estimated for the variables :math:`Y^j-\widehat{Y^j}` and :math:`X^i-\widehat{X}^i` on the :math:`N`-sample of simulations. One can then class the :math:`n_X` variables :math:`X^1,\ldots, X^{n_X}` according to the absolute value of the partial rank correlation coefficients: the higher the value of :math:`\left| \textrm{PRCC}_{X^i,Y^j} \right|`, the greater the impact the variable :math:`X^i` has on :math:`Y^j`. .. topic:: API: - See :py:func:`~openturns.CorrelationAnalysis_PRCC` .. topic:: Examples: - See :doc:`/auto_data_analysis/manage_data_and_samples/plot_sample_correlation` .. topic:: References: - Saltelli, A., Chan, K., Scott, M. (2000). "Sensitivity Analysis", John Wiley \& Sons publishers, Probability and Statistics series - J.C. Helton, F.J. Davis (2003). "Latin Hypercube sampling and the propagation of uncertainty analyses of complex systems". Reliability Engineering and System Safety 81, p.23-69 - J.P.C. Kleijnen, J.C. Helton (1999). "Statistical analyses of scatterplots to identify factors in large-scale simulations, part 1 : review and comparison of techniques". Reliability Engineering and System Safety 65, p.147-185