(cmd, cwd=None, workdir=None, shell=False, is_shell=False, executable=None, shell_exe=None, hide_win=True, check=True, check_exit_code=True, get_stdout=False, get_stderr=False, timeout=None)¶ Launch an external process.
- Parameters
- cmdstr
Command line to execute, e.g.: “echo 42”
- cwdstr
Current directory of the executed command.
- shellbool, default=False
If set to True, the command is started in a shell (bash).
- executablestr, default=False
path to the shell. e.g. /bin/zsh.
- hide_winstr, default=True
Hide cmd.exe popup on windows platform.
- checkbool, default=True
If set to True: raise RuntimeError if return code of process != 0
- get_stdoutbool, default=False
Whether the standard output of the command is returned
- get_stderrbool, default=False
Whether the standard error of the command is returned
- timeoutint
Process timeout (Python >=3.3 only) On timeout and if psutil is available the children of the process are killed before the process itself
- Returns
- retint
The exit code of the command
- stdout_datastr
The stdout data if get_stdout parameter is set
- stderr_datastr
The stderr data if get_stderr parameter is set
- Raises
- RuntimeError
could not run
>>> import openturns.coupling_tools as ct >>> ret, stdout = ct.execute('echo 42', get_stdout=True, shell=True) >>> ret 0 >>> int(stdout) 42