.. _enumeration_strategy: Chaos basis enumeration strategies ---------------------------------- | The polynomial chaos (PC) expansion allows one to obtain an explicit representation of the random response :math:`\underline{Y}` of the model under consideration. More precisely, the response is cast as a converging series featuring orthonormal polynomials. For computational purpose, it is necessary though to retain a finite number of terms by truncating the expansion. First of all, a specific strategy for enumerating the infinite PC series has to be defined. This is the scope of the current section. Given an input random vector :math:`\vect{X}` with prescribed probability density function (PDF) :math:`f_{\vect{X}}(\vect{x})`, it is possible to build up a *polynomial chaos* (PC) basis :math:`\{\psi_{\idx},\idx \in \NM\}` . Of interest is the definition of enumeration strategies for exploring this basis, i.e. of suitable *enumeration functions* :math:`\tau` from :math:`\Nset` to :math:`\NM`, which creates a one-to-one mapping between an integer :math:`j` and a multi-index :math:`\idx`. Linear enumeration strategy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Let us first define the *total degree* of any multi-index :math:`\idx` in :math:`\NM` by :math:`\sum_{i=1}^{n_X} \alpha_i`. A natural choice to sort the PC basis (i.e. the multi-indices :math:`\idx`) is the lexicographical order with a constraint of increasing total degree. Mathematically speaking, a bijective enumeration function :math:`\tau` is defined by: .. math:: \begin{array}{llcl} \tau \, : & \Nset & \longrightarrow & \NM \\ & j & \longmapsto & \{\alpha_1,\dots, \alpha_M\} \, \equiv \, \{\tau_1(j),\dots,\tau_M(j)\} \\ \end{array} such that: .. math:: \tau(0) \, \, = \, \, \{0,\dots,0\} and .. math:: \forall 1 \leq j