.. _graphical_fitting_test: Graphical goodness-of-fit tests ------------------------------- This method deals with the modelling of a probability distribution of a random vector :math:`\vect{X} = \left( X^1,\ldots,X^{n_X} \right)`. It seeks to verify the compatibility between a sample of data :math:`\left\{ \vect{x}_1,\vect{x}_2,\ldots,\vect{x}_N \right\}` and a candidate probability distribution previous chosen. The use of graphical tools allows one to answer this question in the one dimensional case :math:`n_X =1`, and with a continuous distribution. The QQ-plot, and henry line tests are defined in the case to :math:`n_X = 1`. Thus we denote :math:`\vect{X} = X^1 = X`. The first graphical tool provided is a QQ-plot (where “QQ” stands for “quantile-quantile”). In the specific case of a Normal distribution, Henry’s line may also be used. **QQ-plot** A QQ-Plot is based on the notion of quantile. The :math:`\alpha`-quantile :math:`q_{X}(\alpha)` of :math:`X`, where :math:`\alpha \in (0, 1)`, is defined as follows: .. math:: \begin{aligned} \Prob{ X \leq q_{X}(\alpha)} = \alpha \end{aligned} If a sample :math:`\left\{x_1,\ldots,x_N \right\}` of :math:`X` is available, the quantile can be estimated empirically: #. the sample :math:`\left\{x_1,\ldots,x_N \right\}` is first placed in ascending order, which gives the sample :math:`\left\{ x_{(1)},\ldots,x_{(N)} \right\}`; #. then, an estimate of the :math:`\alpha`-quantile is: .. math:: \begin{aligned} \widehat{q}_{X}(\alpha) = x_{([N\alpha]+1)} \end{aligned} where :math:`[N\alpha]` denotes the integral part of :math:`N\alpha`. Thus, the :math:`j^\textrm{th}` smallest value of the sample :math:`x_{(j)}` is an estimate :math:`\widehat{q}_{X}(\alpha)` of the :math:`\alpha`-quantile where :math:`\alpha = (j-1)/N` (:math:`1 < j \leq N`). Let us then consider the candidate probability distribution being tested, and let us denote by :math:`F` its cumulative distribution function. An estimate of the :math:`\alpha`-quantile can be also computed from :math:`F`: .. math:: \begin{aligned} \widehat{q}'_{X}(\alpha) = F^{-1} \left( (j-1)/N \right) \end{aligned} If :math:`F` is really the cumulative distribution function of :math:`F`, then :math:`\widehat{q}_{X}(\alpha)` and :math:`\widehat{q}'_{X}(\alpha)` should be close. Thus, graphically, the points :math:`\left\{ \left( \widehat{q}_{X}(\alpha),\widehat{q}'_{X}(\alpha)\right),\ \alpha = (j-1)/N,\ 1 < j \leq N \right\}` should be close to the diagonal. The following figure illustrates the principle of a QQ-plot with a sample of size :math:`N=50`. Note that the unit of the two axis is that of the variable :math:`X` studied; the quantiles determined via :math:`F` are called here “value of :math:`T`”. In this example, the points remain close to the diagonal and the hypothesis “:math:`F` is the cumulative distribution function of :math:`X`” does not seem irrelevant, even if a more quantitative analysis (see for instance ) should be carried out to confirm this. .. plot:: import openturns as ot from openturns.viewer import View ot.RandomGenerator.SetSeed(0) distribution = ot.Normal(3.0, 2.0) sample = distribution.getSample(150) graph = ot.VisualTest.DrawQQplot(sample, distribution) View(graph) In this second example, the candidate distribution function is clearly irrelevant. .. plot:: import openturns as ot from openturns.viewer import View ot.RandomGenerator.SetSeed(0) distribution = ot.Normal(3.0, 3.0) distribution2 = ot.Normal(2.0, 1.0) sample = distribution.getSample(150) graph = ot.VisualTest.DrawQQplot(sample, distribution2) View(graph) **Henry’s line** This second graphical tool is only relevant if the candidate distribution function being tested is gaussian. It also uses the ordered sample :math:`\left\{ x_{(1)},\ldots,x_{(N)} \right\}` introduced for the QQ-plot, and the empirical cumulative distribution function :math:`\widehat{F}_N` presented in . By definition, .. math:: \begin{aligned} x_{(j)} = \widehat{F}_N^{-1} \left( \frac{j}{N} \right) \end{aligned} Then, let us denote by :math:`\Phi` the cumulative distribution function of a Normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. The quantity :math:`t_{(j)}` is defined as follows: .. math:: \begin{aligned} t_{(j)} = \Phi^{-1} \left( \frac{j}{N} \right) \end{aligned} If :math:`X` is distributed according to a normal probability distribution with mean :math:`\mu` and standard-deviation :math:`\sigma`, then the points :math:`\left\{ \left( x_{(j)},t_{(j)} \right),\ 1 \leq j \leq N \right\}` should be close to the line defined by :math:`t = (x-\mu) / \sigma`. This comes from a property of a normal distribution: it the distribution of :math:`X` is really :math:`\cN(\mu,\sigma)`, then the distribution of :math:`(X-\mu) / \sigma` is :math:`\cN(0,1)`. The following figure illustrates the principle of Henry’s graphical test with a sample of size :math:`N=50`. Note that only the unit of the horizontal axis is that of the variable :math:`X` studied. In this example, the points remain close to a line and the hypothesis “the distribution function of :math:`X` is a Gaussian one” does not seem irrelevant, even if a more quantitative analysis (see for instance ) should be carried out to confirm this. .. plot:: import openturns as ot from openturns.viewer import View ot.RandomGenerator.SetSeed(0) distribution = ot.Normal(10.0, 2.0) sample = distribution.getSample(50) graph = ot.VisualTest.DrawHenryLine(sample) View(graph) In this example the test validates the hypothesis of a gaussian distribution. .. plot:: import openturns as ot from openturns.viewer import View ot.RandomGenerator.SetSeed(0) distribution = ot.LogNormal(2.0, 1.0, 0.0) sample = distribution.getSample(50) graph = ot.VisualTest.DrawHenryLine(sample) View(graph) In this second example, the hypothesis of a gaussian distribution seems far less relevant because of the behavior for small values of :math:`X`. **Kendall plot** In the bivariate case, the Kendall Plot test enables to validate the choice of a specific copula model or to verify that two samples share the same copula model. Let :math:`\vect{X}` be a bivariate random vector which copula is noted :math:`C`. Let :math:`(\vect{X}^i)_{1 \leq i \leq N}` be a sample of :math:`\vect{X}`. We note: .. math:: \begin{aligned} \forall i \geq 1, \displaystyle H_i = \frac{1}{n-1} Card \left\{ j \in [1,N], j \neq i, \, | \, x^j_1 \leq x^i_1 \mbox{ and } x^j_2 \leq x^i_2 \right \} \end{aligned} and :math:`(H_{(1)}, \dots, H_{(N)})` the ordered statistics of :math:`(H_1, \dots, H_N)`. The statistic :math:`W_i` is defined by: .. math:: :label: Wi W_i = N C_{N-1}^{i-1} \int_0^1 t K_0(t)^{i-1} (1-K_0(t))^{n-i} \, dK_0(t) where :math:`K_0(t)` is the cumulative density function of :math:`H_i`. We can show that this is the cumulative density function of the random variate :math:`C(U,V)` when :math:`U` and :math:`V` are independent and follow :math:`Uniform(0,1)` distributions. | Equation :eq:`Wi` is evaluated with the Monte Carlo sampling method : it generates :math:`n` samples of size :math:`N` from the bivariate copula :math:`C`, in order to have :math:`n` realizations of the statistics :math:`H_{(i)},\forall 1 \leq i \leq N` and have an estimation of :math:`W_i = E[H_{(i)}], \forall i \leq N`. | When testing a specific copula with respect to a sample, the Kendall Plot test draws the points :math:`(W_i, H_{(i)})_{1 \leq i \leq N}`. If the points are one the first diagonal, the copula model is validated. | When testing whether two samples have the same copula, the Kendall Plot test draws the points :math:`(H^1_{(i)}, H^2_{(i)})_{1 \leq i \leq N}` respectively associated to the first and second sample. Note that the two samples must have the same size. .. plot:: import openturns as ot from openturns.viewer import View ot.RandomGenerator.SetSeed(0) copula = ot.FrankCopula(1.5) sample = copula.getSample(100) graph = ot.VisualTest.DrawKendallPlot(sample, copula) View(graph) The Kendall Plot test validates the use of the Frank copula for a sample. .. plot:: import openturns as ot from openturns.viewer import View ot.RandomGenerator.SetSeed(0) copula = ot.FrankCopula(1.5) copula2 = ot.GumbelCopula(4.5) sample = copula.getSample(100) graph = ot.VisualTest.DrawKendallPlot(sample, copula2) View(graph) The Kendall Plot test invalidates the use of the Frank copula for a sample. Remark: In the case where you want to test a sample with respect to a specific copula, if the size of the sample is superior to 500, we recommend to use the second form of the Kendall plot test: generate a sample of the proper size from your copula and then test both samples. This way of doing is more efficient. .. topic:: API: - See :py:func:`~openturns.VisualTest_DrawQQplot` to draw a QQ plot - See :py:func:`~openturns.VisualTest_DrawHenryLine` to draw the Henry line - See :py:func:`~openturns.VisualTest_DrawKendallPlot` to draw the Kendall plot .. topic:: Examples: - See :doc:`/auto_data_analysis/statistical_tests/plot_qqplot_graph` - See :doc:`/auto_data_analysis/statistical_tests/plot_test_normality` - See :doc:`/auto_data_analysis/statistical_tests/plot_test_copula` .. topic:: References: - [saporta1990]_ - [dixon1983]_