.. _sorm_approximation: SORM ---- The Second Order Reliability Method is used in the same context as the First Order Reliability: refer to for further details. The objective of SORM is to evaluate the probability content of the event :math:`\cD_f = \{\vect{X} \in \Rset^n \, / \, g(\vect{X}\,,\,\vect{d}) \le 0\}` : .. math:: :label: PfX4 P_f = \Prob{g(\vect{X}\,,\,\vect{d})\leq 0} = \int_{\cD_f} \pdf\, d\vect{x} | The principle is the same as for FORM. After having mapped the physical space into the standard through an isoprobabilistic transformation :eq:`PfX4` becomes: .. math:: :label: PfU2 P_f = \Prob{G(\vect{U}\,,\,\vect{d})\leq 0} = \int_{\Rset^n} \boldsymbol{1}_{G(\vect{u}\,,\,\vect{d}) \leq 0}\,f_{\vect{U}}(\vect{u})\,d\vect{u} where :math:`f_{\vect{U}}` is the density function of the distribution in the standard space : that distribution is spherical (invariant by rotation by definition). That property implies that :math:`f_{\vect{U}}` is a function of :math:`||\vect{U}||^2` only. Furthermore, we suppose that outside the sphere which tangents the limit state surface in the standard space, :math:`f_{\vect{U}}` is decreasing. | The difference with FORM comes from the approximation of the limit state surface at the design point :math:`\vect{P}^*` in the standard space: SORM approximates it by a quadratic surface that has the same main curvatures at the design point. | Let us denote by :math:`n` the dimension of the random vector :math:`\vect{X}` and :math:`(\kappa_i)_{1 \leq i \leq n-1}` the :math:`n-1` main curvatures of the limit state function at the design point in the standard space. | Several approximations are available, detailed here in the case where the origin of the standard space does not belong to the failure domain : - Breitung’s formula is an asymptotic results: the usual formula used in the normal standard space, has been generalized in [lebrun2009b]_ to standard spaces where the distribution is spherical, with :math:`E` the marginal cumulative density function of the spherical distributions in the standard space: .. math:: :label: PfSORM_B P_{Breitung}^{generalized} \stackrel{\beta\rightarrow\infty}{=} E(-\beta)\prod_{i=1}^{n-1}\frac{1}{\sqrt{1+\beta\kappa_i}} where :math:`\Phi` is the cumulative distribution function of the standard 1D normal distribution. - Hohenbichler’s formula is an approximation of :eq:`PfSORM_B`: .. math:: :label: PfSORM_HB \displaystyle P_{Hohenbichler} = \Phi(-\beta_{HL}) \prod_{i=1}^{n-1} \left( 1+\frac{\phi(-\beta_{HL})}{\Phi(-\beta_{HL})}\kappa_i \right) ^{-1/2} **This formula is valid only in the normal standard space and if** :math:`\boldsymbol{\forall i, 1+\frac{\phi(-\beta_{HL})}{\Phi(-\beta_{HL})}\kappa_i > 0}`. - | Tvedt’s formula (Tvedt, 1988): .. math:: :label: PfSORM_T \left\{ \begin{array}{lcl} \displaystyle P_{Tvedt} & = & A_1 + A_2 + A_3 \\ \displaystyle A_1 & = & \displaystyle \Phi(-\beta_{HL}) \prod_{i=1}^{N-1} \left( 1+\beta_{HL} \kappa_i \right) ^{-1/2}\\ \displaystyle A_2 & = & \displaystyle\left[ \beta_{HL} \Phi(-\beta_{HL}) - \phi(\beta_{HL})\right ] \left[ \prod_{j=1}^{N-1} \left( 1+\beta_{HL} \kappa_i \right) ^{-1/2} - \prod_{j=1}^{N-1} \left( 1+(1 + \beta_{HL}) \kappa_i \right) ^{-1/2} \right ] \\ \displaystyle A_3 & = & \displaystyle(1 + \beta_{HL}) \left[ \beta_{HL} \Phi(-\beta_{HL}) - \phi(\beta_{HL})\right ] \left[ \prod_{j=1}^{N-1} \left( 1+\beta_{HL} \kappa_i \right) ^{-1/2} \right.\\ & & \displaystyle\left. - {\cR}e \left( \prod_{j=1}^{N-1} \left( 1+(i + \beta_{HL}) \kappa_j \right) ^{-1/2} \right)\right ] \end{array} \right. where :math:`{\cR}e(z)` is the real part of the complex number :math:`z` and :math:`i` the complex number such that :math:`i^2 = -1` and :math:`\Phi` the cumulative distribution function of the standard 1D normal distribution. **This formula is valid only in the normal standard space and if** :math:`\boldsymbol{\forall i, 1+\beta \kappa_i > 0}` and :math:`\boldsymbol{\forall i, 1+(1 + \beta) \kappa_i> 0}`. .. topic:: API: - See :class:`~openturns.SORM` .. topic:: Examples: - See :doc:`/auto_reliability_sensitivity/reliability/plot_estimate_probability_form` .. topic:: References: - Breitung K. a, "Asymptotic approximation for probability integral," Probability Engineering Mechanics, 1989, Vol 4, No. 4. - Breitung K. b, 1984, "Asymptotic Approximation for multinormal Integrals," Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 110(3), 357-366. - Hohenbichler M., Rackwitz R., 1988, "Improvement of second order reliability estimates by importance sampling," Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE,114(12), pp 2195-2199. - [lebrun2009b]_ - [lebrun2009c]_ - Tvedt L. 1988, "Second order reliability by an exact integral," proc. of the IFIP Working Conf. Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems, Thoft-Christensen (Ed), pp377-384. - Zhao Y. G., Ono T., 1999, "New approximations for SORM : part 1", Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE,125(1), pp 79-85. - Zhao Y. G., Ono T., 1999, "New approximations for SORM : part 2", Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE,125(1), pp 86-93. - Adhikari S., 2004, "Reliability analysis using parabolic failure surface approximation", Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE,130(12), pp 1407-1427.