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Create a process from random vectors and processes¶
The objective is to create a process defined from a random vector and a process.
We consider the following limit state function, defined as the difference between a degrading resistance and a time-varying load
We propose the following probabilistic model:
is the initial resistance, and
is the deterioration rate of the resistance; it is deterministic;
is the time-varying stress, which is modeled by a stationary Gaussian process of mean value
, standard deviation
and a squared exponential covariance model;
is the time, varying in
First, import the python modules:
import openturns as ot
from openturns.viewer import View
import math as m
1. Create the gaussian process
Create the mesh which is a regular grid on , with
, by step =1:
b = 0.01
t0 = 0.0
step = 1
tfin = 50
n = round((tfin - t0) / step)
myMesh = ot.RegularGrid(t0, step, n)
Create the squared exeponential covariance model:
where the scale parameter is and the amplitude
ll = 10 / m.sqrt(2)
myCovKernel = ot.SquaredExponential([ll])
print("cov model = ", myCovKernel)
cov model = SquaredExponential(scale=[7.07107], amplitude=[1])
Create the gaussian process :
S_proc = ot.GaussianProcess(myCovKernel, myMesh)
2. Create the process
First, create the random variable , with
muR = 5
sigR = 0.3
R = ot.Normal(muR, sigR)
The create the Dirac random variable :
B = ot.Dirac(b)
Then create the process using the
and the functional basis
with independent.
const_func = ot.SymbolicFunction(["t"], ["1"])
linear_func = ot.SymbolicFunction(["t"], ["-t"])
myBasis = ot.Basis([const_func, linear_func])
coef = ot.ComposedDistribution([R, B])
R_proc = ot.FunctionalBasisProcess(coef, myBasis, myMesh)
3. Create the process
First, aggregate both processes into one process of dimension 2:
myRS_proc = ot.AggregatedProcess([R_proc, S_proc])
Then create the spatial field function that acts only on the values of the process, keeping the mesh unchanged, using the ValueFunction class.
We define the function on
in order to define the spatial field function that acts on fields, defined by:
g = ot.SymbolicFunction(["x1", "x2"], ["x1-x2"])
gDyn = ot.ValueFunction(g, myMesh)
Now you have to create the final process thanks to
Z_proc = ot.CompositeProcess(gDyn, myRS_proc)
4. Draw some realizations of the process¶
N = 10
sampleZ_proc = Z_proc.getSample(N)
graph = sampleZ_proc.drawMarginal(0)
graph.setTitle(r"Some realizations of $Z(\omega, t)$")
view = View(graph)

5. Evaluate the probability that
We define the domaine and the event
domain = ot.Interval([2], [4])
print("D = ", domain)
event = ot.ProcessEvent(Z_proc, domain)
D = [2, 4]
We use the Monte Carlo sampling to evaluate the probability:
MC_algo = ot.ProbabilitySimulationAlgorithm(event)
result = MC_algo.getResult()
proba = result.getProbabilityEstimate()
print("Probability = ", proba)
variance = result.getVarianceEstimate()
print("Variance Estimate = ", variance)
IC90_low = proba - result.getConfidenceLength(0.90) / 2
IC90_upp = proba + result.getConfidenceLength(0.90) / 2
print("IC (90%) = [", IC90_low, ", ", IC90_upp, "]")
Probability = 0.7514705882352942
Variance Estimate = 5.5479048319547984e-05
IC (90%) = [ 0.7392190178861351 , 0.7637221585844534 ]