
Least squares and gaussian calibration

Generate flooding model observations

Generate flooding model observations

Calibrate a parametric model: a quick-start guide to calibration

Calibrate a parametric model: a quick-start guide to calibration

Generate observations of the Chaboche mechanical model

Generate observations of the Chaboche mechanical model

Calibration without observed inputs

Calibration without observed inputs

Calibration of the logistic model

Calibration of the logistic model

Calibration of the deflection of a tube

Calibration of the deflection of a tube

Calibration of the flooding model

Calibration of the flooding model

Calibration of the Chaboche mechanical model

Calibration of the Chaboche mechanical model

Bayesian calibration

Gibbs sampling of the posterior distribution

Gibbs sampling of the posterior distribution

Sampling from an unnormalized probability density

Sampling from an unnormalized probability density

Posterior sampling using a PythonDistribution

Posterior sampling using a PythonDistribution

Bayesian calibration of a computer code

Bayesian calibration of a computer code

Bayesian calibration of the flooding model

Bayesian calibration of the flooding model

Customize your Metropolis-Hastings algorithm

Customize your Metropolis-Hastings algorithm

Linear Regression with interval-censored observations

Linear Regression with interval-censored observations

Bayesian calibration of hierarchical fission gas release models

Bayesian calibration of hierarchical fission gas release models