Model a singular multivariate distributionΒΆ

From time to time we need to model singular n_D distributions (e.g. the joint distribution of Karhunen Loeve coefficients for curves resulting from the transport of a low dimensional random vector). A way to do that is to use an EmpiricalBernsteinCopula with a bin number equal to the sample size (also called the empirical beta copula in this case).

import openturns as ot
import openturns.viewer as viewer
import math as m


Routine to draw a distribution cloud and a sample.

def draw(dist, Y):
    g = ot.Graph()
    c = ot.Cloud(dist.getSample(10000))
    c = ot.Cloud(Y)
            Y.getMin() - 0.5 * Y.computeRange(), Y.getMax() + 0.5 * Y.computeRange()
    return g

We consider the function f: \Rset^3 \rightarrow \Rset defined by:

f(u, v_1, v_2) = (y_1, y_2)


y_1 & = \sin(u) / (1 + \cos(u)^2) + 0.05 * v_1 \\
y_2 & = \sin(u) \cos(u) / (1 + \cos(u)^2) + 0.05 * v_2

We define the following input random vector:

U  \sim \cU(-0.85\pi, 0.85\pi) \\
(V_1, V_2)  \sim \cN(\vect{\mu} = \vect{0}, \vect{\sigma} = \vect{1}, Id_2)\\

with U and \vect{V}) independent.

We define the output random vector \vect{Y} as:

\vect{Y} = f(U, V_1, V_2)

f = ot.SymbolicFunction(
    ["U", "v1", "v2"],
    ["sin(U)/(1+cos(U)^2)+0.05*v1", "sin(U)*cos(U)/(1+cos(U)^2)+0.05*v2"],
U = ot.Uniform(-0.85 * m.pi, 0.85 * m.pi)
V = ot.Normal(2)
X = ot.BlockIndependentDistribution([U, V])

We generate a sample of the output random vector \vect{Y} of size N.

N = 200
sample_Y = f(X.getSample(N))

We estimate the distribution of the output random vector \vect{Y} by multivariate kernel smoothing.

y_multi_ks = ot.KernelSmoothing().build(sample_Y)
view = viewer.View(draw(y_multi_ks, sample_Y))
plot model singular multivariate distribution

Now, we estimate the distribution of \vect{Y} splitting the estimation of the marginals from the estimation of the copula:

  • the marginals are fitted by kernel smoothing,

  • the copula is fitted using the Bernstein copula factory BernsteinCopulaFactory that builds an empirical Bernstein copula.

First, we do not specify the bin number m. It is equal to the value computed by the default method, which is the LogLikelihood criteria. We get m=1, which means that one cell is created: the built copula is diffuse in [0,1]^2. The estimated copula is the independent copula.

empBern_copula = ot.BernsteinCopulaFactory().buildAsEmpiricalBernsteinCopula(sample_Y)
print('bin number computed m = ', empBern_copula.getBinNumber())
marginals = [
    ot.KernelSmoothing().build(sample_Y.getMarginal(j)) for j in range(sample_Y.getDimension())
y_empBern = ot.JointDistribution(marginals, empBern_copula)
view = viewer.View(draw(y_empBern, sample_Y))
plot model singular multivariate distribution
bin number computed m =  1

Now, we specify a bin number equal to the sample size: m = N so that the built copula is very close to the sample. With this parametrization, the empirical Bernstein copula is the Beta copula in the sens of [segers2016]. In that case, it manages to reproduce its specific feature.

empBern_copula = ot.BernsteinCopulaFactory().build(sample_Y, N)
y_empBern = ot.JointDistribution(marginals, empBern_copula)
view = viewer.View(draw(y_empBern, sample_Y))
plot model singular multivariate distribution

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 3.276 seconds)