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Create a process sample from a sample¶
# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 3
In this example, a ProcessSample
is created from data.
The purpose is to illustrate how to create a ProcessSample
from an already available sample of a field.
In addition, the computation of statistics of the process sample is presented.
The ProcessSample
is defined over a Mesh
For this example, the realizations of a stochastic process are obtained using the Chaboche model. A detailed explanation of this mechanical law is presented here. In this example, the model is defined such that: with a vector of random variables and
the strain
the stress
import openturns as ot
import openturns.viewer as viewer
from openturns.usecases import chaboche_model
Define the model and the mesh¶
First, the Chaboche model is loaded.
cm = chaboche_model.ChabocheModel()
Then, a mesh using a RegularGrid
is defined for the strain with vertices.
N = 100
mesh = ot.RegularGrid(cm.strainMin, (cm.strainMax - cm.strainMin) / N, N)
vertices = mesh.getVertices()
Generate one sample of the field¶
One sample of the field is obtained by evaluating the Chaboche model on the mesh vertices for one specific realization of the input vector .
R = 700e6
C = 2500e6
gamma = 8.0
X0 = [R, C, gamma]
X_indices = [1, 2, 3]
f = ot.ParametricFunction(cm.model, X_indices, X0)
Y = f(vertices)
Let’s visualize this sample of the field.
graph = ot.Graph(
"One realization of the stochastic process", "Strain", "Stress (Pa)", True, ""
curve = ot.Curve(vertices, Y)
view = viewer.View(graph)
The distribution of the input vector is defined here:
param_R = ot.LogNormalMuSigma(750e6, 11e6, 0.0)
dist_R = ot.ParametrizedDistribution(param_R)
dist_C = ot.Normal(2750e6, 250e6)
dist_gamma = ot.Normal(10, 2)
X_distribution = ot.JointDistribution([dist_R, dist_C, dist_gamma])
Generate different samples of the field¶
50 samples of the input vector are generated.
n_samples = 50
X_samples = X_distribution.getSample(n_samples)
The Chaboche model is evaluated for each of the input vector samples.
Y_list = []
for i in range(n_samples):
f = ot.ParametricFunction(cm.model, X_indices, X_samples[i, :])
Y = f(vertices)
Let’s visualize the 50 resulting samples of the field.
graph = ot.Graph(
"Realizations of the stochastic process", "Strain", "Stress (Pa)", True, ""
for i in range(n_samples):
curve = ot.Curve(vertices, Y_list[i])
view = viewer.View(graph)
Creation of the process sample¶
It is possible to create a ProcessSample
from the obtained field samples.
For that, each obtained sample is added to the ProcessSample
using the Field
When the ProcessSample
is created, by default a process sample with a value of 0.
for all the vertices is stored so it is important to remove it.
process_sample = ot.ProcessSample(mesh, n_samples, 1)
for i in range(n_samples):
process_sample.add(ot.Field(mesh, Y_list[i]))
It is then possible to compute different statistics on the ProcessSample
such as the mean, median, variance, …
process_sample_mean = process_sample.computeMean()
process_sample_median = process_sample.computeMedian()
process_sample_variance = process_sample.computeVariance()
Let’s visualize the mean of the process sample.
graph = ot.Graph(
"Sample process mean and realizations", "Strain", "Stress (Pa)", True, ""
for i in range(n_samples):
if i == 0:
label = "process samples"
label = ""
curve = ot.Curve(vertices, Y_list[i], label)
curve = ot.Curve(vertices, process_sample_mean, "process sample mean")
view = viewer.View(graph)
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