Create a process sample from a sample

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In this example, a ProcessSample is created from data. The purpose is to illustrate how to create a ProcessSample from an already available sample of a field. In addition, the computation of statistics of the process sample is presented. The ProcessSample is defined over a Mesh.

For this example, the realizations of a stochastic process are obtained using the Chaboche model. A detailed explanation of this mechanical law is presented here. In this example, the model is defined such that: \sigma=g(\vect{X},\epsilon) with \vect{X}=[R,C,\gamma]^T a vector of random variables and

  • the strain \epsilon\in[0.,0.07]

  • the stress \sigma

import openturns as ot
import openturns.viewer as viewer
from openturns.usecases import chaboche_model


Define the model and the mesh

First, the Chaboche model is loaded.

cm = chaboche_model.ChabocheModel()

Then, a mesh using a RegularGrid is defined for the strain \epsilon\in[0.,0.07] with N=100 vertices.

N = 100
mesh = ot.RegularGrid(cm.strainMin, (cm.strainMax - cm.strainMin) / N, N)
vertices = mesh.getVertices()

Generate one sample of the field

One sample of the field is obtained by evaluating the Chaboche model on the mesh vertices for one specific realization of the input vector \vect{X}_0=[700\times 10^6,2500\times 10^6,8.]^T.

R = 700e6
C = 2500e6
gamma = 8.0
X0 = [R, C, gamma]
X_indices = [1, 2, 3]
f = ot.ParametricFunction(cm.model, X_indices, X0)
Y = f(vertices)

Let’s visualize this sample of the field.

graph = ot.Graph(
    "One realization of the stochastic process", "Strain", "Stress (Pa)", True, ""
curve = ot.Curve(vertices, Y)
view = viewer.View(graph)
One realization of the stochastic process

The distribution of the input vector \vect{X} is defined here:

param_R = ot.LogNormalMuSigma(750e6, 11e6, 0.0)
dist_R = ot.ParametrizedDistribution(param_R)
dist_C = ot.Normal(2750e6, 250e6)
dist_gamma = ot.Normal(10, 2)
X_distribution = ot.JointDistribution([dist_R, dist_C, dist_gamma])

Generate different samples of the field

50 samples of the input vector \vect{X} are generated.

n_samples = 50
X_samples = X_distribution.getSample(n_samples)

The Chaboche model is evaluated for each of the input vector samples.

Y_list = []
for i in range(n_samples):
    f = ot.ParametricFunction(cm.model, X_indices, X_samples[i, :])
    Y = f(vertices)

Let’s visualize the 50 resulting samples of the field.

graph = ot.Graph(
    "Realizations of the stochastic process", "Strain", "Stress (Pa)", True, ""
for i in range(n_samples):
    curve = ot.Curve(vertices, Y_list[i])
view = viewer.View(graph)
Realizations of the stochastic process

Creation of the process sample

It is possible to create a ProcessSample from the obtained field samples. For that, each obtained sample is added to the ProcessSample using the Field structure. When the ProcessSample is created, by default a process sample with a value of 0. for all the vertices is stored so it is important to remove it.

process_sample = ot.ProcessSample(mesh, n_samples, 1)
for i in range(n_samples):
    process_sample.add(ot.Field(mesh, Y_list[i]))

It is then possible to compute different statistics on the ProcessSample such as the mean, median, variance, …

process_sample_mean = process_sample.computeMean()
process_sample_median = process_sample.computeMedian()
process_sample_variance = process_sample.computeVariance()

Let’s visualize the mean of the process sample.

graph = ot.Graph(
    "Sample process mean and realizations", "Strain", "Stress (Pa)", True, ""
for i in range(n_samples):
    if i == 0:
        label = "process samples"
        label = ""
    curve = ot.Curve(vertices, Y_list[i], label)

curve = ot.Curve(vertices, process_sample_mean, "process sample mean")
view = viewer.View(graph)
Sample process mean and realizations

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