Estimate a multivariate integral with IteratedQuadrature


In this example, we consider a function f: \Rset^d \mapsto \Rset and we compute the following integral:

I_f = \int_{a}^{b}\, \int_{l_1(x_0)}^{u_1(x_0)}\, \int_{l_2(x_0, x_1)}^{u_2(x_0,x_1)}\, \int_{l_{d-1}(x_0, \dots, x_{d-2})}^{u_{d-1}(x_0, \dots, x_{d-2})}
\, f(x_0, \dots, x_{d-1})\mathrm{d}{x_{d-1}}\dots\mathrm{d}{x_0}

using an iterated quadrature algorithm IteratedQuadrature, based on the Gauss-Kronrod GaussKronrod 1d quadrature algorithm.

import openturns as ot
import openturns.viewer as otv
import math as m

To get better colours for the function iso-lines.

ot.ResourceMap.SetAsString("Contour-DefaultColorMapNorm", "rank")

Case 1: The integrand function presents a lot of discontinuities.

We consider the function:

f : \begin{array}{lcl}
      \Rset^2 & \rightarrow & \Rset \\
      (x,y) & \rightarrow & 1_{{x^2+y^2 \leq 4}}(x,y)

the domain \set{D} =[-2,2]\times [-2,2] and the integral:

I = \int_{\set{D}} f(x,y)\,dxdy = 4\pi

We first define the integrand f and the domain \set{D}.

def kernel1(x):
    if x[0] ** 2 + x[1] ** 2 <= 4:
        return [1.0]
        return [0.0]

integrand = ot.PythonFunction(2, 1, kernel1)
domain = ot.Interval([-2.0, -2.0], [2.0, 2.0])

We draw the iso-lines of the integrand function which is constant equal to 1 inside the circle with radius equal to 2 and equal to 0.0 outside.

g = integrand.draw([-3.0, -3.0], [3.0, 3.0])
g.setTitle(r"Function $f(x,y) = 1_{\{x^2+y^2 \leq 4\}}(x,y)$")
view = otv.View(g)
Function $f(x,y) = 1_{\{x^2+y^2 \leq 4\}}(x,y)$

We compute the integral using an IteratedQuadrature algorithm with the GaussKronrodRule G11K23, which means that we use on each subinterval:

  • 11 points for the Gauss approximations,

  • 23 points for the Kronrod approximation including the 11 previous ones.

We limit the number of subintervals and we define a maximum error between both approximations: when the difference between both approximations is lower, a new subdivision is performed.

maximumSubIntervals = 32
maximumError = 1e-4
GKRule = ot.GaussKronrodRule(ot.GaussKronrodRule.G1K3)
integ_algo = ot.GaussKronrod(maximumSubIntervals, maximumError, GKRule)
integration_algo = ot.IteratedQuadrature(integ_algo)

To get the nodes used to approximate the integral, we need to use a MemoizeFunction that stores all the calls to the function.

integrand_memoized = ot.MemoizeFunction(integrand)
I_value = integration_algo.integrate(integrand_memoized, domain)
print("I = ", I_value[0])
print("Exact value = ", 4 * m.pi)
nodes = integrand_memoized.getInputHistory()
print("Nodes : ", nodes)
I =  12.898438724470733
Exact value =  12.566370614359172
Nodes :      0 : [ -1        -1        ]
    1 : [ -1        -1.7746   ]
    2 : [ -1        -0.225403 ]
11337 : [  1.68574   1.5      ]
11338 : [  1.68574   1.1127   ]
11339 : [  1.68574   1.8873   ]

We can draw superimpose the nodes on the graph with the iso-lines of the function f. We can see that the algorithm focuses on the nodes where the function has its discontinuities.

cloud_nodes = ot.Cloud(nodes)

view = otv.View(g)
Function $f(x,y) = 1_{\{x^2+y^2 \leq 4\}}(x,y)$

Case 2: The integrand function has large gradients.

We consider the function:

f : \begin{array}{lcl}
      \Rset^2 & \rightarrow & \Rset \\
      (x,y) & \rightarrow & e^{-(x^2+y^2)} + e^{-8((x-4)^2+(y-4)^2)}

the domain \set{D} =[-2,2]\times [-2,2] and the integral:

I = \int_{\set{D}} f(x,y)\, dxdy.

Using Maple, we obtain the reference value:

I_{ref} = 3.51961338289448753812591427600

We first define the integrand f and the domain \set{D}.

def kernel2(x):
    return [
        m.exp(-(x[0] ** 2 + x[1] ** 2))
        + m.exp(-8 * ((x[0] - 4) ** 2 + (x[1] - 4) ** 2))

integrand = ot.PythonFunction(2, 1, kernel2)
domain = ot.Interval([-2.0, -2.0], [6.0, 6.0])

We draw the iso-lines of the integrand function.

g = integrand.draw([-3.0, -3.0], [7.0, 7.0])
g.setTitle(r"Function $f(x,y) = e^{-(x^2+y^2)} + e^{-8((x-4)^2+(y-4)^2)} $")

To get the nodes used to approximate the integral, we need to use a MemoizeFunction that stores all the calls to the function.

integrand_memoized = ot.MemoizeFunction(integrand)
I_value = integration_algo.integrate(integrand_memoized, domain)
print("I = ", I_value[0])
nodes = integrand_memoized.getInputHistory()
print("Nodes : ", nodes)
I =  3.5196013466116494
Nodes :      0 : [  0        0       ]
    1 : [  0       -1.54919 ]
    2 : [  0        1.54919 ]
30165 : [  3.48591  4.04688 ]
30166 : [  3.48591  4.03477 ]
30167 : [  3.48591  4.05898 ]

We can draw in blue the nodes on the graph that contains the iso-lines of the function f. We can see that the algorithm focuses on the nodes where the function has fast variations.

cloud_nodes = ot.Cloud(nodes)

view = otv.View(g)
Function $f(x,y) = e^{-(x^2+y^2)} + e^{-8((x-4)^2+(y-4)^2)} $

Case 3: The integration domain is complex.

We consider the function:

f : \begin{array}{lcl}
      \Rset^2 & \rightarrow & \Rset \\
      (x,y) & \rightarrow & \cos(2x) \sin(1.5y)

the domain \set{D} = \{(x,y)\, |\, -2\pi \leq x \leq 2\pi, -2 - \cos(x) \leq y  \leq 2 + \cos(x) \} and the integral:

I = \int_{\set{D}} f(x,y)\, dxdy.

Using Maple, we obtain the reference value:

I_{ref} = -0.548768615494004063851543284777

We first define the integrand f and the domain \set{D}.

def kernel3(x):
    return [m.cos(2.0 * x[0]) * m.cos(1.5 * x[1])]

integrand = ot.PythonFunction(2, 1, kernel3)

The integration domain is defined by the two following functions:

x \rightarrow u(x) = 2 + \cos(x)

x \rightarrow  \ell(x) = -2 - \cos(x)

upper_func = ot.SymbolicFunction(["x"], [" 2 + cos(x)"])
lower_func = ot.SymbolicFunction(["x"], ["-2 - cos(x)"])

We draw the iso-lines of the integrand function in the domain of integration. To do that, we define a new function which is the restriction of the integrand function to the integration domain.

def kernel3_insideDomain(x):
    low_x = lower_func([x[0]])[0]
    up_x = upper_func([x[0]])[0]
    if x[1] > low_x and x[1] < up_x:
        return kernel3(x)
        return [0.0]

integrand_domain = ot.PythonFunction(2, 1, kernel3_insideDomain)
a = 2 * m.pi
b = 4.0
# Here, we increase the default number of levels.
ot.ResourceMap.SetAsUnsignedInteger("Contour-DefaultLevelsNumber", 30)
g = integrand_domain.draw([-a, -b], [a, b])

We add the bounds of the domain \set{D}.

low_bound = lower_func.draw([-a, -b], [a, b]).getDrawable(0)
up_bound = upper_func.draw([-a, -b], [a, b]).getDrawable(0)

g.setTitle(r"Function $f(x,y) =  cos(2x)sin(1.5y)$")
view = otv.View(g)
# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 4
Function $f(x,y) =  cos(2x)sin(1.5y)$

To get the nodes used to approximate the integral, we need to use a MemoizeFunction that stores all the calls to the function.

integrand_memoized = ot.MemoizeFunction(integrand)
maximumSubIntervals = 4
maximumError = 1e-4
GKRule = ot.GaussKronrodRule(ot.GaussKronrodRule.G7K15)
integration_algo = ot.IteratedQuadrature(
    ot.GaussKronrod(maximumSubIntervals, maximumError, GKRule)
I_value = integration_algo.integrate(
    integrand_memoized, -a, a, [lower_func], [upper_func]
print("I = ", I_value[0])
nodes = integrand_memoized.getInputHistory()
print("Nodes : ", nodes)
I =  -0.5487686157122131
Nodes :     0 : [ -3.14159    -0.5        ]
   1 : [ -3.14159    -0.995728   ]
   2 : [ -3.14159    -0.00427231 ]
2697 : [  5.03878     1.63122    ]
2698 : [  5.03878     0.919216   ]
2699 : [  5.03878     1.40141    ]

We can superimpose the nodes on the graph with the iso-lines of the function f. We can see that the algorithm focuses on the nodes where the function has fast variations.

cloud_nodes = ot.Cloud(nodes)

view = otv.View(g)
Function $f(x,y) =  cos(2x)sin(1.5y)$

Reset ResourceMap


Show all the graphs.
