Create a mixture of distributions


In this example, we show how to build a distribution which is a Mixture from a collection of distributions of the same dimension d \geq 1. We denote by \inputRV the random vector with such a distribution.

Let (\cL_1, \dots, \cL_N) a collection of distributions and (\alpha_1, \dots,
\alpha_N) a collection of positive weights such that \sum_{i=1}^N \alpha_i = 1. Let \inputRV_i be a random vector whose distribution is \cL_i.

In the case where all the \cL_i have a probability density function \mu_i, then the mixture has a probability density function \inputMeasure defined by:

\inputMeasure(\vect{x}) =  \sum_{i=1}^N \alpha_i \mu_i(\vect{x})

In the case where all the \cL_i are discrete, then the mixture is discrete and its probability distribution function is defined by:

\Prob{\inputRV = \vect{x}} =  \sum_{i=1}^N \alpha_i \Prob{\vect{X}_i = \vect{x}}

In the case where some of the \cL_i have a probability density function and the other ones are discrete, then the mixture is not discrete and does not have a probability density function. Its cumulated distribution function is defined by:

F_\inputRV(\vect{x}) =  \sum_{i=1}^N \alpha_i F_{\vect{X}_i}(\vect{x})

We illustrate the following particular cases:

  • Case 1a: Mixture of continuous distributions,

  • Case 1b: Mixture of copulas,

  • Case 1c: Mixture of a Histogram and a Generalized Pareto Distribution,

  • Case 2: Mixture of discrete distributions,

  • Case 3: Mixture of discrete and continuous distributions.

import openturns as ot
import openturns.viewer as otv

Case 1a: Mixture of continuous distributions

In this case, we build the mixture of the following continuous distributions:

The weigths are automatically normalized.

We define the collection of distributions and the associated weights.

distributions = [
    ot.Triangular(1.0, 2.0, 4.0),
    ot.Normal(-1.0, 1.0),
    ot.Uniform(5.0, 6.0),
weights = [0.4, 1.0, 0.2]

We create the mixture.

distribution = ot.Mixture(distributions, weights)
Mixture((w = 0.25, d = Triangular(a = 1, m = 2, b = 4)), (w = 0.625, d = Normal(mu = -1, sigma = 1)), (w = 0.125, d = Uniform(a = 5, b = 6)))

We can draw the probability density function.

graph = distribution.drawPDF()
graph.setTitle("Mixture of Triangular, Normal, Uniform")
view = otv.View(graph)
Mixture of Triangular, Normal, Uniform

We can draw the cumulated distribution function.

graph = distribution.drawCDF()
graph.setTitle("Mixture of Triangular, Normal, Uniform")
view = otv.View(graph)
Mixture of Triangular, Normal, Uniform

Case 1b: Mixture of copulas

In this case, we build the mixture of the following copulas:

We define the collection of copulas and the associated weights.

copulas = [ot.GumbelCopula(4.5), ot.ClaytonCopula(2.3)]
weights = [0.2, 0.8]

We create a mixture of copulas.

distribution = ot.Mixture(copulas, weights)
Mixture((w = 0.2, d = GumbelCopula(theta = 4.5)), (w = 0.8, d = ClaytonCopula(theta = 2.3)))

We can draw the probability density function.

graph = distribution.drawPDF()
graph.setTitle("Mixture of Gumbel copula, Clayton copula")
view = otv.View(graph)
Mixture of Gumbel copula, Clayton copula

We can draw the cumulated distribution function.

graph = distribution.drawCDF()
graph.setTitle("Mixture of Gumbel copula, Clayton copula")
view = otv.View(graph)
Mixture of Gumbel copula, Clayton copula

Case 1c: Mixture of a Histogram and a Generalized Pareto Distribution

We want to create the scalar distribution of X such that:

X|X \leq x_0 & \sim \mathcal{L}_1 \\
X|X \geq x_0 & \sim \mathcal{L}_2


  • \mathcal{L}_1 is a Histogram,

  • \mathcal{L}_2 is a Generalized Pareto distribution (GPD),

  • x_0 is a quantile of high level of X.

Let us define:

w = \Prob{X \leq x_0}

We assume that we only have a sample from X.

In this example, we consider a Normal distribution with zero mean and unit variance. We generate a sample of size n.

n = 5000
X_dist = ot.Normal()
sample_X = X_dist.getSample(n)

We build the whole histogram from the sample.

hist_dist = ot.HistogramFactory().build(sample_X)
g_hist = hist_dist.drawPDF()
g_hist.setTitle(r"Empirical distribution of $X$")
view = otv.View(g_hist)
Empirical distribution of $X$

We estimate the extreme empirical quantile of level 0.95.

w = 0.95
x0 = hist_dist.computeQuantile(w)[0]

We start by truncating the initial histogram on the interval ]-\infty, x_0]. We visualize it!

hist_trunc = ot.TruncatedDistribution(hist_dist, x0, ot.TruncatedDistribution.UPPER)
g_hist_trunc = hist_trunc.drawPDF()
g_hist_trunc.setTitle(r"Empirical distribution of $X|X \leq $" + "%.3g" % (x0))
g_hist_trunc.setLegends(["truncated histogram"])
view = otv.View(g_hist_trunc)
Empirical distribution of $X|X \leq $1.65

Then we model X|X \geq x_0 by a Generalized Pareto distribution (GPD). We start by extracting from the sample all the values greater than x_0 to build the upper sample. We get about n(1-w) points.

sample_X_upper = ot.Sample(0, 1)
for i in range(len(sample_X)):
    if sample_X[i, 0] > x0:

print("Excess number = ", sample_X_upper.getSize())
print("n(1-w) = ", int(n * (1 - w)))
Excess number =  247
n(1-w) =  250

Then we fit a GPD parameterized by (\sigma, \xi, x_0): the threshold is fixed to x_0. We use the estimator that maximizes the likelihood. To solve the optimisation problem faster, we start by estimating the 3 parameters (\sigma, \xi, u) from the upper sample. Then we fix the threshold to u = x_0 and we estimate the remaining parameters (\sigma, \xi) using the previous values of (\sigma, \xi) as a starting point to the optimization problem. We visualize the pdf of the GPD.

gpd_first = ot.GeneralizedParetoFactory().build(sample_X_upper)
mlFact = ot.MaximumLikelihoodFactory(gpd_first)

# we fix the threshold to :math:`x_0`.
mlFact.setKnownParameter([x0], [2])
gpd_estimated =
print("estimated gpd = ", gpd_estimated)

g_gpd = gpd_estimated.drawPDF()
g_gpd.setTitle(r"Distribution of $X|X \geq $" + "%.3g" % (x0))
view = otv.View(g_gpd)
Distribution of $X|X \geq $1.65
estimated gpd =  GeneralizedPareto(sigma = 0.440432, xi=-0.0537874, u=1.65325)

Then we can create the mixture using the truncated Histogram distribution below x_0 and the GPD over x_0 weighted by w and (1-w).

mixt_dist = ot.Mixture([hist_trunc, gpd_estimated], [w, 1 - w])

ord_Max = max(hist_dist.getImplementation().getHeight())
line = ot.Curve([x0, x0], [0.0, ord_Max])

draw_ref = X_dist.drawPDF().getDrawable(0)

g_hist.setLegends(["histogram", "mixture", "", "exact dist"])
g_hist.setTitle(r"Distribution of $X$: Mixture")

view = otv.View(g_hist)

# We draw here only the mixture distribution to make the comparison easier.
g_mixt = mixt_dist.drawPDF()
g_mixt.setTitle(r"Mixture distribution of $X$")
view = otv.View(g_mixt)
  • Distribution of $X$: Mixture
  • Mixture distribution of $X$

Case 2: Mixture of discrete distributions

In this case, we build the mixture of the following distributions:

The weigths are automatically normalized.

We define the collection of distributions and the associated weights.

distributions = [ot.Poisson(1.2), ot.Geometric(0.7)]
weights = [0.4, 1.0]

We create the mixture.

distribution = ot.Mixture(distributions, weights)
Mixture((w = 0.285714, d = Poisson(lambda = 1.2)), (w = 0.714286, d = Geometric(p = 0.7)))

We can draw the probability distribution function.

graph = distribution.drawPDF()
graph.setTitle("Mixture of Poisson, Geometric")
view = otv.View(graph)
Mixture of Poisson, Geometric

We can draw the cumulated distribution function.

graph = distribution.drawCDF()
graph.setTitle("Mixture of Poisson, Geometric")
view = otv.View(graph)
Mixture of Poisson, Geometric

Case Case 3: Mixture of discrete and continuous distributions

In this case, we build the mixture of the following distributions:

The resulting distribution is not continuous nor discrete. It not possible to draw the pdf…

We define the collection of distributions and the associated weights.

distributions = [ot.Normal(), ot.Poisson(0.7)]
weights = [0.4, 1.0]

We create the mixture.

distribution = ot.Mixture(distributions, weights)
Mixture((w = 0.285714, d = Normal(mu = 0, sigma = 1)), (w = 0.714286, d = Poisson(lambda = 0.7)))

We cannot draw the probability distribution function as it is not defined. But, we can draw the cumulated distribution function.

graph = distribution.drawCDF()
graph.setTitle("Mixture of Normal, Poisson")
view = otv.View(graph)
Mixture of Normal, Poisson

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