The Branin test case


The Branin function is defined in 2 dimensions based on the functions g:

g(u_1, u_2) = \frac{\left(u_2-5.1\frac{u_1^2}{4\pi^2}+5\frac{u_1}{\pi}-6\right)^2+10\left(1-\frac{1}{8 \pi}\right)  \cos(u_1)+10-54.8104}{51.9496}

and t:

t(x_1, x2) = (15 x_1 - 5, 15 x_2)^T.

Finally, the Branin function is the composition of the two previous functions:

f_{Branin}(x_1, x_2) = g \circ  t(x_1, x_2)

for any \mathbf{x} \in [0, 1]^2.

There are three global minimas:

\mathbf{x}^\star=(0.123895, 0.818329),

\mathbf{x}^\star=(0.542773, 0.151666),

and :

\mathbf{x}^\star=(0.961652, 0.165000)

where the function value is:

f_{min} = f_{Branin}(\mathbf{x}^\star) = -0.97947643837.

We assume that the output of the Branin function is noisy, with a gaussian noise. In other words, the objective function is:

f(x_1, x_2) = f_{Branin}(x_1, x_2) + \epsilon

where \epsilon is a Gaussian random variable with null mean and standard deviation \sigma_{\epsilon} = 0.1.


API documentation

class BraninModel

Data class for the Branin test function.


>>> from openturns.usecases import branin_function
>>> # Load the Branin model
>>> bm = branin_function.BraninModel()
dimThe dimension of the problem


modelthe Branin function
trueNoiseFunctionConstant, small noise


noiseModelThe noise function
lowerboundPoint in dimension dim.

Default is 0.0 for each dimension.

upperboundPoint in dimension dim.

Default is 1.0 for each dimension.


First minima location [0.123895, 0.818329].


Second minima location [0.542773, 0.151666].


Third minima location [0.961652, 0.165000].


All global minimas location gathered.

Examples based on this use case

Kriging: metamodel of the Branin-Hoo function

Kriging: metamodel of the Branin-Hoo function

EfficientGlobalOptimization examples

EfficientGlobalOptimization examples