Benchmark sensitivity analysis methods

import openturns as ot
import otbenchmark as otb

When we estimate Sobol’ indices, we may encounter the following warning messages: ` WRN - The estimated first order Sobol index (2) is greater than its total order index ... WRN - The estimated total order Sobol index (2) is lesser than first order index ... ` Lots of these messages are printed in the current Notebook. This is why we disable them with:


Use Borgonovo problem

problem = otb.BorgonovoSensitivity()
distribution = problem.getInputDistribution()
model = problem.getFunction()

Exact first and total order

exact_first_order = problem.getFirstOrderIndices()
exact_total_order = problem.getTotalOrderIndices()

Saltelli estimator with Monte-Carlo sample

sample_size = 10000
inputDesign = ot.SobolIndicesExperiment(distribution, sample_size).generate()
outputDesign = model(inputDesign)

Compute first order indices using the Saltelli estimator

sensitivityAnalysis = ot.SaltelliSensitivityAlgorithm(
    inputDesign, outputDesign, sample_size
computed_first_order = sensitivityAnalysis.getFirstOrderIndices()
computed_total_order = sensitivityAnalysis.getTotalOrderIndices()

Compare with exact results

print("Sample size : ", sample_size)
# First order
print("Computed first order = ", computed_first_order)
print("Exact first order = ", exact_first_order)
# Total order
print("Computed total order = ", computed_total_order)
print("Exact total order = ", exact_total_order)
Sample size :  10000
Computed first order =  [0.151702,0.159157,0.636209]
Exact first order =  [0.157895,0.157895,0.631579]
Computed total order =  [0.207039,0.215939,0.634088]
Exact total order =  [0.210526,0.210526,0.631579]

Saltelli estimator with Quasi Monte-Carlo sample

sample_size = 500
dimension = distribution.getDimension()
sequence = ot.SobolSequence(dimension)
restart = True
experiment = ot.LowDiscrepancyExperiment(sequence, distribution, sample_size, restart)
inputDesign = ot.SobolIndicesExperiment(experiment).generate()
outputDesign = model(inputDesign)

Compute first order indices using the Saltelli estimator

sensitivityAnalysis = ot.SaltelliSensitivityAlgorithm(
    inputDesign, outputDesign, sample_size
first_order = sensitivityAnalysis.getFirstOrderIndices()
total_order = sensitivityAnalysis.getTotalOrderIndices()

Compare with exact results

print("Sample size : ", sample_size)
# First order
print("Computed first order = ", computed_first_order)
print("Exact first order = ", exact_first_order)
# Total order
print("Computed total order = ", computed_total_order)
print("Exact total order = ", exact_total_order)
Sample size :  500
Computed first order =  [0.151702,0.159157,0.636209]
Exact first order =  [0.157895,0.157895,0.631579]
Computed total order =  [0.207039,0.215939,0.634088]
Exact total order =  [0.210526,0.210526,0.631579]

Loop over the estimators

print("Available estimators:")
estimators_list = otb.SensitivityBenchmarkMetaAlgorithm.GetEstimators()
for sobolAlgorithm in estimators_list:
    name = sobolAlgorithm.getClassName()
    print(" - ", name)
Available estimators:
 -  SaltelliSensitivityAlgorithm
 -  MartinezSensitivityAlgorithm
 -  JansenSensitivityAlgorithm
 -  MauntzKucherenkoSensitivityAlgorithm
metaSAAlgorithm = otb.SensitivityBenchmarkMetaAlgorithm(problem)
print("Monte-Carlo sampling")
for sobolAlgorithm in estimators_list:
    ) = metaSAAlgorithm.runSamplingEstimator(sample_size)
    name = sobolAlgorithm.getClassName()
    print("    S = ", computed_first_order)
    print("    T = ", computed_total_order)
Monte-Carlo sampling
    S =  [0.157879,0.110086,0.662778]
    T =  [0.230401,0.176184,0.736734]
    S =  [0.168684,0.183445,0.687733]
    T =  [0.207179,0.234042,0.607763]
    S =  [0.180192,0.201451,0.724047]
    T =  [0.181982,0.166595,0.673565]
    S =  [0.115798,0.186677,0.66551]
    T =  [0.196127,0.172884,0.648429]
print("Quasi Monte-Carlo sampling")
for estimator in ["Saltelli", "Martinez", "Jansen", "MauntzKucherenko"]:
    ) = metaSAAlgorithm.runSamplingEstimator(
        sample_size, estimator=estimator, sampling_method="QMC"
    name = sobolAlgorithm.getClassName()
    print("    S = ", computed_first_order)
    print("    T = ", computed_total_order)
Quasi Monte-Carlo sampling
    S =  [0.147144,0.151326,0.624455]
    T =  [0.212622,0.209087,0.643622]
    S =  [0.147601,0.150976,0.629051]
    T =  [0.210037,0.210799,0.640943]
    S =  [0.151099,0.149846,0.632098]
    T =  [0.20915,0.21105,0.635553]
    S =  [0.159027,0.163209,0.636338]
    T =  [0.212622,0.209087,0.643622]
print("Polynomial chaos")
sample_size = 500
) = metaSAAlgorithm.runPolynomialChaosEstimator(
print("    S = ", computed_first_order)
print("    T = ", computed_total_order)
Polynomial chaos
    S =  [0.157895,0.157895,0.631579]
    T =  [0.210526,0.210526,0.631579]

Define the metric

We consider the following accuracy metrics: * the vector or log relative errors for a given index (first order or total order), * the mean log relative error, as the mean of the LRE vector (first order or total order), * the average mean log relative error, as the mean of the first and total order mean log relative error.

Larger LRE values are prefered.

The first order (resp. total order) mean LRE represents the mean number of digits for all components of the first order indices (resp. total order indices). The average mean LRE represents the mean LRE for both first and total order indices.

S_LRE = ot.Point(dimension)
T_LRE = ot.Point(dimension)
for i in range(dimension):
    S_LRE[i] = otb.ComputeLogRelativeError(
        computed_first_order[i], exact_first_order[i]
    T_LRE[i] = otb.ComputeLogRelativeError(
        computed_total_order[i], exact_total_order[i]
print("LRE S = ", S_LRE)
print("LRE T = ", T_LRE)
LRE S =  [14.7136,14.5509,15.153]
LRE T =  [15.0349,14.8008,15.153]
mean_LRE_S = sum(S_LRE) / dimension
mean_LRE_T = sum(T_LRE) / dimension
mean_LRE = (mean_LRE_S + mean_LRE_T) / 2.0
print("Mean LRE S = %.2f" % (mean_LRE_S))
print("Mean LRE T = %.2f" % (mean_LRE_T))
print("Mean LRE = %.2f" % (mean_LRE))
Mean LRE S = 14.81
Mean LRE T = 15.00
Mean LRE = 14.90

The digit per point ratio measure the number of digits relatively to the sample size. A greater value is prefered.

digit_per_point_ratio = mean_LRE / sample_size
print("Digit / point = %.3e" % (digit_per_point_ratio))
Digit / point = 2.980e-02

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.029 seconds)