Define a connection function with a field output

In this example, we define a function which has a vector input and a field output. The goal of this example is to show how to use PointToFieldConnection class to combine two functions. A detailed explanation of the model is presented here.

Define the model

import openturns as ot
import openturns.viewer as otv
from openturns.usecases import viscous_free_fall


Load the viscous free fall example.

vff = viscous_free_fall.ViscousFreeFall()
distribution = vff.distribution
model = vff.model

Restrict the number of inputs

We define a function which has input only z0 as input to freeze the 3 other inputs of the original model:

fz0 = ot.SymbolicFunction(["z0"], ["z0", "55", "80", "15"])

Then we use the PointToFieldConnection to compose it with the original model.

model_z0 = ot.PointToFieldConnection(model, fz0)

Sample trajectories

In order to sample trajectories, we use the getSample method of the distribution of z0 and apply the field function.

size = 10
inputSample = vff.distZ0.getSample(size)
outputSample = model_z0(inputSample)

Draw viscous free fall trajectories.

graph = outputSample.drawMarginal(0)
graph.setTitle("Viscous free fall: %d trajectories" % (size))
view = otv.View(graph)
Viscous free fall: 10 trajectories