A two degree-of-fredom primary/secondary damped oscillator

We consider a two degree-of-fredom primary-secondary damped oscillator. This system is composed of a two-stage oscillator characterized by a mass, a stiffness and a damping ratio for each of the two oscillators. This system is submitted to a white-noise excitation. The limit-state function is highly nonlinear, mainly due to the interactions between the two stages of the system, and presents one failure zone.

use case oscillator

Two stage oscillator

The limit state function is defined as follows:

G = F_s - 3 k_s \sqrt{\frac{\pi S_0}{4 \zeta_s \omega_s^3} \left[\frac{\zeta_a \zeta_s}{\zeta_p \zeta_s (4 \zeta_a^2 + \theta^2)+\gamma \zeta_a^2}\frac{(\zeta_p \omega_p^3 + \zeta_s \omega_s^3)\omega_p}{4 \zeta_a \omega_a^4}\right]}

The natural frequency of the first oscillator is equal to:

\omega_p = \sqrt{\frac{k_p}{m_p}}

The natural frequency of the secondary oscillator is equal to:

\omega_s = \sqrt{\frac{k_s}{m_s}}

The average natural frequency of the system is equal to:

\omega_a = \frac{\omega_p+\omega_s}{2}

The average damping ratio of the system is equal to:

\zeta_a = \frac{\zeta_p+\zeta_s}{2}

The mass ratio is equal to:

\gamma = \frac{m_s}{m_p}

The tuning parameter of the system is equal to:

\theta = \frac{\omega_p - \omega_s}{\omega_a}

Eight uncertainties are considered in the system:

  • on the masses of the primary and secondary systems (m_p and m_s),

  • on the spring stiffeness of the primary and secondary oscillators (k_p and k_s),

  • on the damping ratios of the primary and secondary systems (\zeta_p and \zeta_s),

  • on the loading capacity of the secondary spring (F_s),

  • on the intensity of the white noise excitation (S_0).

We consider the following distribution fResponse of Two-Degree-of-Freedom Systems to White-Noise Base Excitation:

  • m_p \sim \text{LogNormalSigmaOverMu}(  \mu_{m_p} = 1.5, \delta_{m_p} = 0.1)

  • m_s \sim \text{LogNormalSigmaOverMu}(  \mu_{m_s} = 0.01,  \delta_{m_s} = 0.1)

  • k_p \sim \text{LogNormalSigmaOverMu}(  \mu_{k_p} = 1,  \delta_{k_p} = 0.2)

  • k_s \sim \text{LogNormalSigmaOverMu}(  \mu_{k_s} = 0.01,  \delta_{k_s} = 0.2)

  • \zeta_p \sim \text{LogNormalSigmaOverMu}(  \mu_{\zeta_p} = 0.05, \delta_{\zeta_p} = 0.4)

  • \zeta_s \sim \text{LogNormalSigmaOverMu}(  \mu_{\zeta_s} = 0.02,  \delta_{\zeta_s} = 0.5)

  • F_s \sim \text{LogNormalSigmaOverMu}(  \mu_{F_s} = 27.5,  \delta_{F_s} = 0.1)

  • S_0 \sim \text{LogNormalSigmaOverMu}( \mu_{S_0} = 100,  \delta_{S_0} = 0.1)

The failure probability is:

P_f = \Prob{G(m_p,m_s,k_p,k_z,\zeta_p,\zeta_s,F_s,Z_0) \leq 0}.

The value of P_f is:

P_f = 3.78 \times 10^{-7}.


  • Der Kiureghian, A. and De Stefano, M. (1991). Efficient Algorithm for Second-Order Reliability Analysis, Journal of engineering mechanics, 117(12), 2904-2923

  • Dubourg, V., Sudret, B., Deheeger, F. (2013). Metamodel-based importance sampling for structural reliability analysis. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 33, pp. 47–57

API documentation

class Oscillator

Data class for the oscillator example.


dim = 8, dimension of the problem


The limit state function


muMp = 1.5, mean of the mass of the primary system


sigmaOverMuMp = 0.1, coefficient of variation of the mass of the primary system


Distribution of the mass of the primary system distributionMp = ot.LogNormalMuSigmaOverMu(muMp, sigmaOverMuMp).getDistribution()


muMs = 0.01, mean of the mass of the primary system


sigmaOverMuMs = 0.1, coefficient of variation of the mass of the primary system


Distribution of the mass of the secondary system distributionMs = ot.LogNormalMuSigmaOverMu(muMs, sigmaOverMuMs).getDistribution()


muKp = 1, mean of the spring stiffness of the primary system


sigmaOverMuKp = 0.2, coefficient of variation of the spring stiffness of the primary system


Distribution of the spring stiffness of the primary system distributionKp = ot.LogNormalMuSigmaOverMu(muKp, sigmaOverMuKp).getDistribution()


muKs = 0.01, mean of the spring stiffness of the secondary system


sigmaOverMuKs = 0.2, coefficient of variation of the spring stiffness of the secondary system


Distribution of the spring stiffness of the secondary system distributionKs = ot.LogNormalMuSigmaOverMu(muKs, sigmaOverMuKs).getDistribution()


muZetap = 0.05, mean of the damping ratio of the primary system


sigmaOverMuZetap = 0.4, coefficient of variation of the damping ratio of the primary system


Distribution of the damping ratio of the primary system distributionZetap = ot.LogNormalMuSigmaOverMu(muZetap, sigmaOverMuZetap).getDistribution()


muZetas = 0.02, mean of the damping ratio of the secondary system


sigmaOverMuZetas = 0.5, coefficient of variation of the damping ratio of the secondary system


Distribution of the damping ratio of the secondary system distributionZetas = ot.LogNormalMuSigmaOverMu(muZetas, sigmaOverMuZetas).getDistribution()


muFs = 27.5, mean of the loading capacity of the secondary spring


sigmaOverFs = 0.1, coefficient of variation of the loading capacity of the secondary spring


Distribution of the loading capacity of the secondary spring distributionFs = ot.LogNormalMuSigmaOverMu(muFs, sigmaOverFs).getDistribution()


muS0 = 100, mean of the intensity of the white noise


sigmaOverS0 = 0.1, coefficient of variation of the intensity of the white noise


Distribution of the intensity of the white noise distributionS0 = ot.LogNormalMuSigmaOverMu(muS0, sigmaOverS0).getDistribution()


The joint distribution of the input parameters


>>> from openturns.usecases import oscillator
>>> # Load the oscillator
>>> osc = oscillator.Oscillator()

Examples based on this use case

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Using the FORM - SORM algorithms on a nonlinear function