Coles datasets

  • The portpirie sample gives the annual maximum sea levels recorded at Port Pirie, South Australia, from 1923 to 1987.

  • The fremantle sample lists the annual maximum sea levels at Fremantle, Western Australia, versus mean annual value of Southern Oscillation Index, from 1897 to 1989.

  • The racetime sample gives the fastest annual race time for the women 1500m over the period 1972-1992.

  • The rain sample consists in a time series of daily rainfall accumulations in south-west England, recorded from 1914 to 1962.

  • The wooster sample is a series of daily minimum temperatures recorded in Wooster (Ohio).

  • The wind sample records the annual maximum wind speeds at two location in the US: Albany (New York) and Hartford (Connecticut), from 1944 to 1983.

  • The wavesurge sample consist in measurements of wave and surge heights in south-west England.

  • The venice sample gives the ten largest sea levels from 1931 to 1981, excluding 1935 in which only six values are available.


API documentation

class Coles

Data sets for the examples from [coles2001].


Dow Jones Index dataset path


Sea levels dataset


Sea levels dataset


Race time dataset


Daily rainfall dataset


Sea levels dataset


Wave and surge heights dataset


Wind speeds dataset


Temperatures dataset path


>>> from openturns.usecases import coles
>>> data = coles.Coles().portpirie
>>> print(data[:3])

Examples based on this use case

Estimate a GEV on the Venice sea-levels data

Estimate a GEV on the Venice sea-levels data

Estimate a GPD on the Wooster temperature data

Estimate a GPD on the Wooster temperature data

Estimate a GPD on the Dow Jones Index data

Estimate a GPD on the Dow Jones Index data

Estimate a GEV on the Port Pirie sea-levels data

Estimate a GEV on the Port Pirie sea-levels data

Estimate a GPD on the daily rainfall data

Estimate a GPD on the daily rainfall data

Estimate a GEV on race times data

Estimate a GEV on race times data

Estimate a GEV on the Fremantle sea-levels data

Estimate a GEV on the Fremantle sea-levels data

Estimate tail dependence coefficients on the wave-surge data

Estimate tail dependence coefficients on the wave-surge data

Estimate tail dependence coefficients on the wind data

Estimate tail dependence coefficients on the wind data