
(Source code, png)

DrawPairsXY(sampleX, sampleY)

Draw 2-d projections between marginals of two samples.

sampleX2-d sequence of float

First sample.

sampleY2-d sequence of float

Second sample. It must have the same size as the first sample.


The graph object


This method allows one to draw the relationships between the margins of two samples. This consists of a collection of 2-d projections of the marginals of sampleY (in lines) with respect to the marginals of sampleX (in columns). The point style is given by the ‘Drawable-DefaultPointStyle’ key in the ResourceMap. The color is given by the first individual color in the default palette.


>>> import openturns as ot
>>> from openturns.viewer import View
>>> ot.RandomGenerator.SetSeed(0)
>>> dim = 3
>>> R = ot.CorrelationMatrix(dim)
>>> R[0, 1] = 0.8
>>> distribution = ot.Normal([3.0] * dim, [2.0]* dim, R)
>>> size = 100
>>> sampleX = distribution.getSample(size)
>>> sampleY = distribution.getSample(size)
>>> clouds = ot.VisualTest.DrawPairsXY(sampleX, sampleY)
>>> View(clouds).show()

Examples using the function

Visualize pairs between two samples

Visualize pairs between two samples

Create a polynomial chaos for the Ishigami function: a quick start guide to polynomial chaos

Create a polynomial chaos for the Ishigami function: a quick start guide to polynomial chaos

Conditional expectation of a polynomial chaos expansion

Conditional expectation of a polynomial chaos expansion

Estimate Sobol’ indices for the Ishigami function by a sampling method: a quick start guide to sensitivity analysis

Estimate Sobol' indices for the Ishigami function by a sampling method: a quick start guide to sensitivity analysis