Go to the end to download the full example code.
Using otagrum¶
import openturns as ot
import pyAgrum as gum
from matplotlib import pylab as plt
import otagrum
def showDot(dotstring):
# fails outside notebook
import pyAgrum.lib.notebook as gnb
except ImportError:
import pydot
from io import BytesIO
graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dotstring)[0]
with BytesIO() as f:
img = plt.imread(f)
fig = plt.imshow(img)
Creating the CBN structure We begin by creating the CBN that will be used throughout this example.
To do so, we need a NamedDAG structure…
dag = gum.DAG()
mapping = {}
mapping["A"] = dag.addNode() # Add node A
mapping["B"] = dag.addNode() # Add node B
mapping["C"] = dag.addNode() # Add node C
mapping["D"] = dag.addNode() # Add node D
dag.addArc(mapping["A"], mapping["C"]) # Arc A -> C
dag.addArc(mapping["B"], mapping["C"]) # Arc B -> C
dag.addArc(mapping["C"], mapping["D"]) # Arc C -> D
(pyAgrum.DAG@0x55d9cd0a5a60) {0,1,2,3} , {2->3,0->2,1->2}
structure = otagrum.NamedDAG(dag, list(mapping.keys()))
<IPython.core.display.SVG object>
Parameters of the CBN … and a collection of marginals and local conditional copulas.
m_list = [ot.Uniform(0.0, 1.0) for i in range(structure.getSize())] # Local marginals
lcc_list = [] # Local Conditional Copulas
for i in range(structure.getSize()):
dim_lcc = structure.getParents(i).getSize() + 1
R = ot.CorrelationMatrix(dim_lcc)
for j in range(dim_lcc):
for k in range(j):
R[j, k] = 0.6
lcc_list.append(ot.Normal([0.0] * dim_lcc, [1.0] * dim_lcc, R).getCopula())
Now that we have a NamedDAG structure and a collection of local conditional copulas, we can construct a CBN.
cbn = otagrum.ContinuousBayesianNetwork(structure, m_list, lcc_list)
Having a CBN, we can now sample from it.
Learning the structure with continuous PC: Now that we have data, we can use it to learn the structure with the continuous PC algorithm.
learner = otagrum.ContinuousPC(sample, 5, 0.1)
We first learn the skeleton, that is the undirected structure.
skeleton = learner.learnSkeleton()
(pyAgrum.UndiGraph@0x55d9cd136c70) {0,1,2,3} , {2--3,0--2,1--2}
Then we look for the v-structures, leading to a Partially Directed Acyclic Graph (PDAG)
pdag = learner.learnPDAG()
(pyAgrum.MixedGraph@0x55d9cc071f40) {0,1,2,3} , {1->2,0->2} , {2--3}
Finally, the remaining edges are oriented by propagating constraints
ndag = learner.learnDAG()
<IPython.core.display.SVG object>
The true structure has been recovered. Learning with continuous MIIC Otagrum provides another learning algorithm to learn the structure: the continuous MIIC algorithm.
learner = otagrum.ContinuousMIIC(sample)
This algorithm relies on the computing of mutual information which is done through the copula function. Hence, a copula model for the data is needed. The continuous MIIC algorithm can make use of Gaussian copulas (parametric) or Bernstein copulas (non-parametric) to compute mutual information. Moreover, due to finite sampling size, the mutual information estimators need to be corrected. Two kind of correction are provided: NoCorr (no correction) or Naive (a fixed correction is subtracted from the raw mutual information estimators). Those behaviours can be changed as follows:
learner.setCMode(otagrum.CorrectedMutualInformation.CModeTypes_Bernstein) # By default
) # To use Gaussian copulas
learner.setKMode(otagrum.CorrectedMutualInformation.KModeTypes_Naive) # By default
# learner.setKMode(otagrum.CorrectedMutualInformation.KModeTypes_NoCorr) # To use the raw estimators
) # Set the correction value for the Naive behaviour, it is set to 0.01 by default
As with PC algorithm we can learn the skeleton, PDAG and DAG using
skeleton = learner.learnSkeleton()
(pyAgrum.UndiGraph@0x55d9cd0c7bf0) {0,1,2,3} , {2--3,0--2,1--2}
pdag = learner.learnPDAG()
(pyAgrum.MixedGraph@0x55d9cd1ef6b0) {0,1,2,3} , {2->3,1->2,0->2} , {}
dag = learner.learnDAG()
<IPython.core.display.SVG object>
Learning parameters Bernstein copulas are used to learn the local conditional copulas associated to each node
m_list = []
lcc_list = []
for i in range(train.getDimension()):
indices = [i] + [int(n) for n in ndag.getParents(i)]
dim_lcc = len(indices)
if dim_lcc == 1:
bernsteinCopula = ot.IndependentCopula(1)
elif dim_lcc > 1:
K = otagrum.ContinuousTTest.GetK(len(train), dim_lcc)
bernsteinCopula = ot.EmpiricalBernsteinCopula(
train.getMarginal(indices), K, False
We can now create the learned CBN
lcbn = otagrum.ContinuousBayesianNetwork(ndag, m_list, lcc_list) # Learned CBN
And compare the mean loglikelihood between the true and the learned models
true_LL = compute_mean_LL(cbn, test)
exp_LL = compute_mean_LL(lcbn, test)
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.294 seconds)