Using otagrum

import openturns as ot
import pyAgrum as gum
import pyAgrum.lib.notebook as gnb

Importing the otagrum module

import otagrum as otagr

Creating the CBN structure

We begin by creating the CBN that will be used throughout this example.

To do so, we need a NamedDAG structure…

dag = gum.DAG()
mapping = {}
mapping['A'] = dag.addNode() # Add node A
mapping['B'] = dag.addNode() # Add node B
mapping['C'] = dag.addNode() # Add node C
mapping['D'] = dag.addNode() # Add node D
dag.addArc(mapping['A'], mapping['C']) # Arc A -> C
dag.addArc(mapping['B'], mapping['C']) # Arc B -> C
dag.addArc(mapping['C'], mapping['D']) # Arc C -> D
G 0 0 2 2 0->2 1 1 1->2 3 3 2->3
structure = otagr.NamedDAG(dag, list(mapping.keys()))

Parameters of the CBN

… and a collection of marginals and local conditional copulas.

m_list = [ot.Uniform(0.0, 1.0) for i in range(structure.getSize())] # Local marginals
lcc_list = [] # Local Conditional Copulas
for i in range( structure.getSize() ):
    dim_lcc = structure.getParents(i).getSize() + 1
    R = ot.CorrelationMatrix(dim_lcc)
    for j in range(dim_lcc):
        for k in range(j):
            R[j, k] = 0.6
    lcc_list.append( ot.Normal([0.0]*dim_lcc, [1.0]*dim_lcc, R).getCopula() )

Creation of the CBN

Now that we have a NamedDAG structure and a collection of local conditional copulas, we can construct a CBN.

cbn = otagr.ContinuousBayesianNetwork(structure, m_list, lcc_list)

Sampling from CBN

Having a CBN, we can now sample from it.

ot.RandomGenerator.SetSeed(10) # Set random seed
sample = cbn.getSample(1000)
train = sample[:-100]
test = sample[-100:]

Learning the structure with continuous PC

Now that we have data, we can use it to learn the structure with the continuous PC algorithm.

learner = otagr.ContinuousPC(sample, maxConditioningSetSize=5, alpha=0.1)

We first learn the skeleton, that is the undirected structure.

skeleton = learner.learnSkeleton()
no_name 0 0 2 2 0->2 1 1 1->2 3 3 2->3

Then we look for the v-structures, leading to a Partially Directed Acyclic Graph (PDAG)

pdag = learner.learnPDAG()
no_name 0 0 2 2 0->2 1 1 1->2 3 3 2->3

Finally, the remaining edges are oriented by propagating constraints

ndag = learner.learnDAG()

The true structure has been recovered.

Learning with continuous MIIC

Otagrum provides another learning algorithm to learn the structure: the continuous MIIC algorithm.

learner = otagr.ContinuousMIIC(sample)

This algorithm relies on the computing of mutual information which is done through the copula function. Hence, a copula model for the data is needed. The continuous MIIC algorithm can make use of Gaussian copulas (parametric) or Bernstein copulas (non-parametric) to compute mutual information. Moreover, due to finite sampling size, the mutual information estimators need to be corrected. Two kind of correction are provided: NoCorr (no correction) or Naive (a fixed correction is substracted from the raw mutual information estimators). Those behaviours can be changed as follows:

#learner.setCMode(otagr.CorrectedMutualInformation.CModeTypes_Bernstein) # By default
learner.setCMode(otagr.CorrectedMutualInformation.CModeTypes_Gaussian) # To use Gaussian copulas
learner.setKMode(otagr.CorrectedMutualInformation.KModeTypes_Naive) # By default
#learner.setKMode(otagr.CorrectedMutualInformation.KModeTypes_NoCorr) # To use the raw estimators
learner.setAlpha(0.01) # Set the correction value for the Naive behaviour, it is set to 0.01 by default

As with PC algorithm we can learn the skeleton, PDAG and DAG using

skeleton = learner.learnSkeleton()
no_name 0 0 2 2 0->2 1 1 1->2 3 3 2->3
pdag = learner.learnPDAG()
no_name 0 0 2 2 0->2 1 1 1->2 3 3 2->3
dag = learner.learnDAG()

Learning parameters

Bernstein copulas are used to learn the local conditional copulas associated to each node

m_list = []
lcc_list = []
for i in range(train.getDimension()):
    indices = [i] + [int(n) for n in ndag.getParents(i)]
    dim_lcc = len(indices)
    if dim_lcc == 1:
        bernsteinCopula = ot.IndependentCopula(1)
    elif dim_lcc > 1:
        K = otagr.ContinuousTTest.GetK(len(train), dim_lcc)
        bernsteinCopula = ot.EmpiricalBernsteinCopula(train.getMarginal(indices), K, False)

We can now create the learned CBN

lcbn = otagr.ContinuousBayesianNetwork(ndag, m_list, lcc_list) # Learned CBN

And compare the mean loglikelihood between the true and the learned models

def compute_mean_LL(cbn, test):
    ll = 0
    for t in test:
        ll += cbn.computeLogPDF(t)
    ll /= len(test)
    return ll
true_LL = compute_mean_LL(cbn, test)
exp_LL = compute_mean_LL(lcbn, test)
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