Linear model POD with censored data¶
# import relevant module
import openturns as ot
import otpod
# enable display figure in notebook
%matplotlib inline
/calcul/home/dumas/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/ensemble/ DeprecationWarning: numpy.core.umath_tests is an internal NumPy module and should not be imported. It will be removed in a future NumPy release.
from numpy.core.umath_tests import inner1d
Generate data¶
N = 100
defectDist = ot.Uniform(0.1, 0.6)
# normal epsilon distribution
epsilon = ot.Normal(0, 1.9)
defects = defectDist.getSample(N)
signalsInvBoxCox = defects * 43. + epsilon.getSample(N) + 2.5
# Inverse Box Cox transformation
invBoxCox = ot.InverseBoxCoxTransform(0.3)
signals = invBoxCox(signalsInvBoxCox)
Build POD using previous linear analysis¶
noiseThres = 60.
saturationThres = 1700.
# run the analysis with Gaussian hypothesis of the residuals (default case)
analysis = otpod.UnivariateLinearModelAnalysis(defects, signals, noiseThres,
saturationThres, boxCox=True)
# signal detection threshold
detection = 200.
# Use the analysis to build the POD with Gaussian hypothesis
# keyword arguments must be given
PODGauss = otpod.UnivariateLinearModelPOD(analysis=analysis, detection=detection)
Build POD with Gaussian hypothesis¶
# The previous POD is equivalent to the following POD
PODGauss = otpod.UnivariateLinearModelPOD(defects, signals, detection,
noiseThres, saturationThres,
Get the R2 value of the regression¶
print('R2 : {:0.3f}'.format(PODGauss.getR2()))
R2 : 0.861
Compute detection size¶
# Detection size at probability level 0.9
# and confidence level 0.95
print(PODGauss.computeDetectionSize(0.9, 0.95))
[a90 : 0.30373, a90/95 : 0.317848]
get POD Function¶
# get the POD model
PODmodel = PODGauss.getPODModel()
# get the POD model at the given confidence level
PODmodelCl95 = PODGauss.getPODCLModel(0.95)
# compute the probability of detection for a given defect value
print('POD : {:0.3f}'.format(PODmodel([0.3])[0]))
print('POD at level 0.95 : {:0.3f}'.format(PODmodelCl95([0.3])[0]))
POD : 0.887
POD at level 0.95 : 0.830
Show POD graph¶
Mean POD and POD at confidence level with the detection size for a given probability level¶
fig, ax = PODGauss.drawPOD(probabilityLevel=0.9, confidenceLevel=0.95,
# The figure is saved in PODGauss.png
/calcul/home/dumas/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: matplotlib is currently using a non-GUI backend, so cannot show the figure
"matplotlib is currently using a non-GUI backend, "
Build POD only with the filtered data¶
A static method is used to get the defects and signals only in the uncensored area.
Sort inputSample and signals with respect to the censore thresholds.
inputSample : 2-d sequence of float
Vector of the input sample.
signals : 2-d sequence of float
Vector of the signals, of dimension 1.
noiseThres : float
Value for low censored data. Default is None.
saturationThres : float
Value for high censored data. Default is None
inputSampleUnc : 2-d sequence of float
Vector of the input sample in the uncensored area.
inputSampleNoise : 2-d sequence of float
Vector of the input sample in the noisy area.
inputSampleSat : 2-d sequence of float
Vector of the input sample in the saturation area.
signalsUnc : 2-d sequence of float
Vector of the signals in the uncensored area.
The data are sorted in three different vectors whether they belong to
the noisy area, the uncensored area or the saturation area.
result = otpod.DataHandling.filterCensoredData(defects, signals,
noiseThres, saturationThres)
defectsFiltered = result[0]
signalsFiltered = result[3]
PODfilteredData = otpod.UnivariateLinearModelPOD(defectsFiltered, signalsFiltered,
# Detection size at probability level 0.9
# and confidence level 0.95
print(PODfilteredData.computeDetectionSize(0.9, 0.95))
[a90 : 0.295976, a90/95 : 0.310948]
fig, ax = PODfilteredData.drawPOD(probabilityLevel=0.9, confidenceLevel=0.95,
# The figure is saved in PODGauss.png
/calcul/home/dumas/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: matplotlib is currently using a non-GUI backend, so cannot show the figure
"matplotlib is currently using a non-GUI backend, "
[ ]: