Assemble copulasΒΆ

In this example we are going to merge a collection of independent copulas into one.

from __future__ import print_function
import openturns as ot
import openturns.viewer as viewer
from matplotlib import pylab as plt

create a collection of copulas

R = ot.CorrelationMatrix(3)
R[0, 1] = 0.5
R[0, 2] = 0.25
collection = [ot.FrankCopula(3.0), ot.NormalCopula(R), ot.ClaytonCopula(2.0)]

merge the copulas

copula = ot.ComposedCopula(collection)


ComposedCopula(FrankCopula(theta = 3), NormalCopula(R = [[ 1    0.5  0.25 ]
 [ 0.5  1    0    ]
 [ 0.25 0    1    ]]), ClaytonCopula(theta = 2))

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.003 seconds)

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