Visualize sensitivity
Create your own distribution given its quantile function
Create your own distribution given its quantile function¶
Create the distribution of the maximum of independent distributions¶
Create a maximum entropy statistics distribution¶
Create a conditional random vector¶
Create a conditional distribution¶
Create a Bayes distribution¶
Create a mixture of PDFs¶
Create an extreme value distribution¶
Create and draw scalar distributions¶
Create a random mixture¶
Truncate a distribution¶
Generate random variates by inverting the CDF¶
Create and draw multivariate distributions¶
Overview of univariate distribution management¶
Transform a distribution¶
Distribution manipulation¶
Quick start guide¶
Create a customized distribution or copula¶
Draw minimum volume level sets¶
Create a copula¶
Extract the copula from a distribution¶
Assemble copulas¶
Create the ordinal sum of copulas¶
Composite random vector¶
Create a random vector¶
Create a functional basis process¶
Add a trend to a process¶
Export a field to VTK¶
Create a parametric spectral density function¶
Create a gaussian process from a cov. model using HMatrix¶
Aggregate processes¶
Create a stationary covariance model¶
Create a white noise process¶
Create a custom covariance model¶
Create a discrete Markov chain process¶
Use the Box-Cox transformation¶
Manipulate a time series¶
Create a normal process¶
Create a random walk process¶
Create a spectral model¶
Draw a field¶
Create a process from random vectors and processes¶
Sample trajectories from a Gaussian Process with correlated outputs¶
Draw fields¶
Create and manipulate an ARMA process¶
Trend computation¶
Compare covariance models¶
Create a mesh¶