Create an extreme value distribution


In this example we show how to define extreme values distributions.

from __future__ import print_function
import openturns as ot
import openturns.viewer as otv
from matplotlib import pylab as plt

The generalized extreme value distribution (GEV)

The GeneralizedExtremeValue distribution is a family of continuous probability distributions that combine the Gumbel, Frechet and WeibullMax distribution, all extreme value distribution.

We define a generalized extreme value distribution with parameters \mu = 0.0, \sigma = 1.0 and \xi = 0.0

myDistribution = ot.GeneralizedExtremeValue(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)

The GeneralizedExtremeValue class acts as a proxy class. We can get the actual distribution (Weibull, Frechet or Gumbel) with the getActualDistribution method :



Gumbel(beta = 1, gamma = 0)

For the chosen parameters it is a Gumbel distribution with parameters beta=1.0 and \gamma = 0.0.

We draw its PDF and CDF :

graphPDF = myDistribution.drawPDF()
    r"PDF of the GEV with parameters $\mu = 0.0$, $\sigma = 1.0$ and $\xi = 0.0$ ")
view = otv.View(graphPDF)

graphCDF = myDistribution.drawCDF()
    r"CDF of the GEV with parameters $\mu = 0.0$, $\sigma = 1.0$ and $\xi = 0.0$ ")
view = otv.View(graphCDF)
  • PDF of the GEV with parameters $\mu = 0.0$, $\sigma = 1.0$ and $\xi = 0.0$
  • CDF of the GEV with parameters $\mu = 0.0$, $\sigma = 1.0$ and $\xi = 0.0$

The Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD)

In this paragraph we turn to the definition of a GeneralizedPareto distribution. For instance we build a generalized Pareto distribution with parameters \sigma = 1.0, \xi = 0.0 and u = 0.0 :

myGPD = ot.GeneralizedPareto(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)

We draw its PDF and CDF :

graphPDF = myGPD.drawPDF()
    r"PDF of the GPD with parameters $\sigma = 1.0$, $\xi = 0.0$ and $u = 0.0$ ")
view = otv.View(graphPDF)
PDF of the GPD with parameters $\sigma = 1.0$, $\xi = 0.0$ and $u = 0.0$
graphCDF = myGPD.drawCDF()
    r"CDF of the GPD with parameters $\sigma = 1.0$, $\xi = 0.0$ and $u = 0.0$ ")
view = otv.View(graphCDF)
CDF of the GPD with parameters $\sigma = 1.0$, $\xi = 0.0$ and $u = 0.0$

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