Sobol’ sensitivity indices from chaos

In this example we are going to compute global sensitivity indices from a functional chaos decomposition.

We study the Borehole function that models water flow through a borehole:

\frac{2 \pi T_u (H_u - H_l)}{\ln{r/r_w}(1+\frac{2 L T_u}{\ln(r/r_w) r^2_w K_w}\frac{T_u}{T_l})}

With parameters:

  • r_w: radius of borehole (m)

  • r: radius of influence (m)

  • T_u: transmissivity of upper aquifer (m^2/yr)

  • H_u: potentiometric head of upper aquifer (m)

  • T_l: transmissivity of lower aquifer (m^2/yr)

  • H_l: potentiometric head of lower aquifer (m)

  • L: length of borehole (m)

  • K_w: hydraulic conductivity of borehole (m/yr)

from __future__ import print_function
import openturns as ot
from operator import itemgetter
import openturns.viewer as viewer
from matplotlib import pylab as plt

borehole model

dimension = 8
input_names = ['rw', 'r', 'Tu', 'Hu', 'Tl', 'Hl', 'L', 'Kw']
model = ot.SymbolicFunction(input_names,
coll = [ot.Normal(0.1, 0.0161812),
        ot.LogNormal(7.71, 1.0056),
        ot.Uniform(63070.0, 115600.0),
        ot.Uniform(990.0, 1110.0),
        ot.Uniform(63.1, 116.0),
        ot.Uniform(700.0, 820.0),
        ot.Uniform(1120.0, 1680.0),
        ot.Uniform(9855.0, 12045.0)]
distribution = ot.ComposedDistribution(coll)

Freeze r, Tu, Tl from model to go faster

selection = [1, 2, 4]
complement = ot.Indices(selection).complement(dimension)
distribution = distribution.getMarginal(complement)
model = ot.ParametricFunction(
    model, selection, distribution.getMarginal(selection).getMean())
input_names_copy = list(input_names)
input_names = itemgetter(*complement)(input_names)
dimension = len(complement)

design of experiment

size = 1000
X = distribution.getSample(size)
Y = model(X)

create a functional chaos model

algo = ot.FunctionalChaosAlgorithm(X, Y)
result = algo.getResult()



Quick summary of sensitivity analysis

sensitivityAnalysis = ot.FunctionalChaosSobolIndices(result)


 input dimension: 5
 output dimension: 1
 basis size: 56
 mean: [74.8252]
 std-dev: [28.86]
Index   | Multi-indice                  | Part of variance
      1 | [1,0,0,0,0]                   | 0.667533
      3 | [0,0,1,0,0]                   | 0.0972783
      4 | [0,0,0,1,0]                   | 0.0906816
      2 | [0,1,0,0,0]                   | 0.0798009
      5 | [0,0,0,0,1]                   | 0.0221444

Component | Sobol index            | Sobol total index
        0 | 0.67653                | 0.705682
        1 | 0.0798379              | 0.0891789
        2 | 0.0972796              | 0.108678
        3 | 0.0916856              | 0.103876
        4 | 0.0221444              | 0.0254584

draw Sobol’ indices

first_order = [sensitivityAnalysis.getSobolIndex(i) for i in range(dimension)]
total_order = [sensitivityAnalysis.getSobolTotalIndex(
    i) for i in range(dimension)]
graph = ot.SobolIndicesAlgorithm.DrawSobolIndices(
    input_names, first_order, total_order)
view = viewer.View(graph)
Sobol' indices

We saw that total order indices are close to first order, so the higher order indices must be all quite close to 0

for i in range(dimension):
    for j in range(i):
        print(input_names[i] + ' & ' + input_names[j], ":",
              sensitivityAnalysis.getSobolIndex([i, j]))


Hu & rw : 0.007773952603684
Hl & rw : 0.009536145155773607
Hl & Hu : 5.4681169248072785e-05
L & rw : 0.00917958869007991
L & Hu : 0.0010928197895924347
L & Hl : 0.001315360782351903
Kw & rw : 0.002320368250935267
Kw & Hu : 0.00027291064768849286
Kw & Hl : 0.00031801092178630964
Kw & L : 0.0003073000271333149

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 2.739 seconds)

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