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Create a linear model¶
In this example we create a surrogate model using linear model approximation.
The following 2-dimensional function is used in this example
import openturns as ot
import openturns.viewer as viewer
Generation of the data set¶
We first generate the data and we add noise to the output observations:
distribution = ot.Normal(2)
distribution.setDescription(["x", "y"])
func = ot.SymbolicFunction(["x", "y"], ["2 * x - y + 3 + 0.05 * sin(0.8*x)"])
input_sample = distribution.getSample(30)
epsilon = ot.Normal(0, 0.1).getSample(30)
output_sample = func(input_sample) + epsilon
Linear regression¶
Let us run the linear model algorithm using the LinearModelAlgorithm class and get the associated results :
algo = ot.LinearModelAlgorithm(input_sample, output_sample)
result = algo.getResult()
Residuals analysis¶
We can now analyse the residuals of the regression on the training data. For clarity purposes, only the first 5 residual values are printed.
residuals = result.getSampleResiduals()
[ y0 ]
0 : [ 0.186748 ]
1 : [ -0.117266 ]
2 : [ -0.039708 ]
3 : [ 0.10813 ]
4 : [ -0.0673202 ]
Alternatively, the standardized or studentized residuals can be used:
stdresiduals = result.getStandardizedResiduals()
[ v0 ]
0 : [ 1.80775 ]
1 : [ -1.10842 ]
2 : [ -0.402104 ]
3 : [ 1.03274 ]
4 : [ -0.633913 ]
Similarly, we can also obtain the underyling distribution characterizing the residuals:
Normal(mu = 0, sigma = 0.110481)
ANOVA table¶
In order to post-process the linear regression results, the LinearModelAnalysis class can be used:
analysis = ot.LinearModelAnalysis(result)
Basis( [[x,y]->[1],[x,y]->[x],[x,y]->[y]] )
| Estimate | Std Error | t value | Pr(>|t|) |
[x,y]->[1] | 2.99847 | 0.0204173 | 146.859 | 9.82341e-41 |
[x,y]->[x] | 2.02079 | 0.0210897 | 95.8186 | 9.76973e-36 |
[x,y]->[y] | -0.994327 | 0.0215911 | -46.0527 | 3.35854e-27 |
Residual standard error: 0.11048 on 27 degrees of freedom
F-statistic: 5566.3 , p-value: 0
Multiple R-squared | 0.997581 |
Adjusted R-squared | 0.997401 |
Normality test | p-value |
Anderson-Darling | 0.456553 |
Cramer-Von Mises | 0.367709 |
Chi-Squared | 0.669183 |
Kolmogorov-Smirnov | 0.578427 |
The results seem to indicate that the linear hypothesis can be accepted. Indeed, the R-Squared value is nearly 1. Furthermore, the adjusted value, which takes into account the data set size and the number of hyperparameters, is similar to R-Squared.
We can also notice that the Fisher-Snedecor and Student p-values detailed above are lower than 1%. This ensures an acceptable quality of the linear model.
Graphical analyses¶
Let us compare model and fitted values:
graph = analysis.drawModelVsFitted()
view = viewer.View(graph)

The previous figure seems to indicate that the linearity hypothesis is accurate.
Residuals can be plotted against the fitted values.
graph = analysis.drawResidualsVsFitted()
view = viewer.View(graph)

graph = analysis.drawScaleLocation()
view = viewer.View(graph)

graph = analysis.drawQQplot()
view = viewer.View(graph)

In this case, the two distributions are very close: there is no obvious outlier.
Cook’s distance measures the impact of every individual data point on the linear regression, and can be plotted as follows:
graph = analysis.drawCookDistance()
view = viewer.View(graph)

This graph shows us the index of the points with disproportionate influence.
One of the components of the computation of Cook’s distance at a given point is that point’s leverage. High-leverage points are far from their closest neighbors, so the fitted linear regression model must pass close to them.
graph = analysis.drawResidualsVsLeverages()
view = viewer.View(graph)

In this case, there seem to be no obvious influential outlier characterized by large leverage and residual values, as is also shown in the figure below:
Similarly, we can also plot Cook’s distances as a function of the sample leverages:
graph = analysis.drawCookVsLeverages()
view = viewer.View(graph)
![Cook's dist vs Leverage h[ii]/(1-h[ii])](../../_images/sphx_glr_plot_linear_model_007.png)
Finally, we give the intervals for each estimated coefficient (95% confidence interval):
alpha = 0.95
interval = analysis.getCoefficientsConfidenceInterval(alpha)
print("confidence intervals with level=%1.2f : " % (alpha))
print("%s" % (interval))
confidence intervals with level=0.95 :
[2.95657, 3.04036]
[1.97751, 2.06406]
[-1.03863, -0.950026]