Stochastic process¶
General objects¶
Base class for stochastic processes. |
Base class for Fields. |
Time series. |
Collection of fields. |
Temporal information¶
Refer to Covariance models, Parametric stationary covariance models.
Covariance model. |
Estimation of the covariance model of a process. |
Absolute exponential covariance function. |
Dirac covariance function. |
Multivariate stationary exponential covariance function. |
Exponentially damped cosine covariance function. |
Multivariate fractional Brownian motion covariance function. |
Absolute exponential covariance function. |
Matern covariance function. |
Univariate covariance function defined as a product. |
Covariance function of finite rank. |
Spherical covariance function. |
Squared exponential covariance function. |
Multivariate covariance function defined as a tensorization of covariance models. |
Stationary functional covariance function. |
Covariance model defined by the User. |
Proxy of C++ OT::StationaryCovarianceModel. |
Stationary covariance model defined by the User. |
Estimation of a non stationary covariance model. |
Estimation of the covariance model of a stationary process. |
Spectral information¶
Spectral density model. |
Cauchy spectral model. |
Spectral model defined by the User. |
Base class for spectral model factory. |
Welch estimator of the spectral model of a stationary process. |
Base class for filtering windows. |
Hanning filtering windows. |
Hamming filtering windows. |
Gaussian process¶
Spectral Gaussian process. |
Gaussian processes. |
Conditioned Gaussian process. |
Functional basis process¶
Functional basis process. |
Composite process¶
Process obtained by transformation. |
Aggregated process¶
Aggregation of several processes in one process. |
ARMA process. |
Coefficients of an ARMA process (MA or AR part). |
Last state recorded of an ARMA process. |
ARMA factory¶
Base class for ARMA models factory. |
Last state recorded of a scalar ARMA process. |
Whittle estimator of a scalar ARMA Gaussian process. |
Maximum likelihood estimator of a multivariate ARMA Gaussian process. |
Proxy of C++ OT::BoxCoxEvaluation. |
Proxy of C++ OT::InverseBoxCoxEvaluation. |
Proxy of C++ OT::TrendEvaluation. |
Proxy of C++ OT::InverseTrendEvaluation. |
Discrete Markov chain process. |
Random walk process. |
White Noise process. |
Check hypothesis on time series¶
The Dickey-Fuller stationarity test. |
Karhunen Loeve decomposition¶
Base class for Karhunen Loeve algorithms. |
Computation of Karhunen-Loeve decomposition using P1 approximation. |
Computation of Karhunen-Loeve decomposition using Quadrature approximation. |
Computation of Karhunen-Loeve decomposition using SVD approximation. |
Result structure of a Karhunen Loeve algorithm. |
Function dedicated to the projection of fields on a Karhunen Loeve basis. |
Function dedicated to the lift of Karhunen Loeve coefficients into a field. |