Kriging metamodel¶
Kriging : propagate uncertainties
Kriging : propagate uncertainties
Kriging : multiple input dimensions
Kriging : multiple input dimensions
Kriging : draw the likelihood
Kriging : cantilever beam model
Kriging : cantilever beam model
Configuring an arbitrary trend in Kriging
Configuring an arbitrary trend in Kriging
Example of multi output Kriging on the fire satellite model
Example of multi output Kriging on the fire satellite model
Kriging the cantilever beam model using HMAT
Kriging the cantilever beam model using HMAT
Kriging : generate trajectories from a metamodel
Kriging : generate trajectories from a metamodel
Choose the trend basis of a kriging metamodel
Choose the trend basis of a kriging metamodel
Kriging with an isotropic covariance function
Kriging with an isotropic covariance function
Kriging: metamodel of the Branin-Hoo function
Kriging: metamodel of the Branin-Hoo function
Kriging : quick-start
Sequentially adding new points to a kriging
Sequentially adding new points to a kriging
Advanced kriging
Kriging :configure the optimization solver
Kriging :configure the optimization solver
Kriging : choose a trend vector space
Kriging : choose a trend vector space
Kriging : draw covariance models
Kriging : draw covariance models