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- class ProductCovarianceModel(*args)¶
Univariate covariance function defined as a product.
- Parameters:
- collsequence of
Collection of covariance models
of dimension
- collsequence of
The product covariance function is a covariance function with dimension
. This allows one to create a higher input dimension covariance model by combining models of smaller input dimensions. The input dimension of each model in the collection does not necessarily have to be equal to 1. It defines a covariance model from the given collection as follows.
We consider the scalar stochastic process
, where
is an event,
is a domain of
The product covariance function writes:
also writes:
where the amplitude is:
the scale is:
and the correlation function
Create a product covariance function from two exponential functions, each one defined on
>>> import openturns as ot >>> amplitude = [1.0] >>> scale1 = [4.0] >>> scale2 = [4.0] >>> cov1 = ot.ExponentialModel(scale1, amplitude) >>> cov2 = ot.ExponentialModel(scale2, amplitude) >>> covarianceModel = ot.ProductCovarianceModel([cov1, cov2])
(*args)Evaluate the covariance function.
(*args)Compute the covariance function for scalar model.
(*args)computeCrossCovariance the covariance function on a given mesh.
(*args)Discretize the covariance function on a given mesh.
(*args)Discretize and factorize the covariance function on a given mesh.
Discretize and factorize the covariance function on a given mesh.
(*args)Discretize the covariance function on a given mesh using HMatrix result.
(vertices, p)(TODO)
(*args)Draw a specific component of the covariance model with input dimension 1.
Accessor to the active parameter set.
Get the amplitude parameter
of the covariance function.
Accessor to the object's name.
Covariance model collection accessor.
Get the full parameters of the covariance function.
Get the description full parameters of the covariance function.
()Accessor to the object's id.
Get the input dimension
of the covariance function.
(index)Get the ith marginal of the model.
()Accessor to the object's name.
Accessor to the nugget factor.
Get the spatial correlation matrix
of the covariance function.
Get the dimension
of the covariance function.
Get the parameters of the covariance function.
Get the description of the covariance function parameters.
()Get the scale parameter
of the covariance function.
Accessor to the object's shadowed id.
Accessor to the object's visibility state.
()Test if the object is named.
Test if the object has a distinguishable name.
Test whether the model is diagonal or not.
Test whether the model is stationary or not.
(s, t)Compute the gradient according to the parameters.
(s, t)Compute the gradient of the covariance function.
(active)Accessor to the active parameter set.
(amplitude)Set the amplitude parameter
of the covariance function.
(parameter)Set the full parameters of the covariance function.
(name)Accessor to the object's name.
(nuggetFactor)Set the nugget factor for the variance of the observation error.
(correlation)Set the spatial correlation matrix
of the covariance function.
(parameter)Set the parameters of the covariance function.
(scale)Set the scale parameter
of the covariance function.
(id)Accessor to the object's shadowed id.
(visible)Accessor to the object's visibility state.
- __init__(*args)¶
- computeAsScalar(*args)¶
Compute the covariance function for scalar model.
- Available usages:
computeAsScalar(s, t)
- Parameters:
- s, tfloats (if
) or sequences of floats (any
Multivariate index
- taufloat (if
) or sequence of floats (any
Multivariate index
- s, tfloats (if
- Returns:
- covariancefloat
The method makes sense only if the dimension of the process is
. It evaluates
In the second usage, the covariance model must be stationary. Then we note
as this quantity does not depend on
- computeCrossCovariance(*args)¶
computeCrossCovariance the covariance function on a given mesh.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Matrix
Container of the cross covariance
- Matrix
This method computes a cross-covariance matrix. The cross-covariance is the evaluation of the covariance model on both firstVertices and secondVertices.
points and
points, the method returns an
matrix (
being the output dimension).
To make things easier, let us focus on the
case. Let
be the points of firstVertices and let
be the points of secondVertices. The result is the
such that for any nonnegative integers
- discretize(*args)¶
Discretize the covariance function on a given mesh.
- Parameters:
- where
Container of the discretization vertices
- where
- Returns:
- covarianceMatrix
Covariance matrix
(if the process is of dimension
- covarianceMatrix
This method makes a discretization of the model on the given
composed of the verticesand returns the covariance matrix:
- discretizeAndFactorize(*args)¶
Discretize and factorize the covariance function on a given mesh.
- Parameters:
- where
Container of the discretization vertices
- where
- Returns:
- CholeskyMatrix
Cholesky factor of the covariance matrix
(if the process is of dimension
- CholeskyMatrix
This method makes a discretization of the model on the given
composed of the verticesthanks to the
method and returns its Cholesky factor.
- discretizeAndFactorizeHMatrix(*args)¶
Discretize and factorize the covariance function on a given mesh.
This uses HMatrix.
- Parameters:
- where
Container of the discretization vertices
- hmatParam
Parameter values for the HMatrix
- where
- Returns:
- HMatrix
Cholesk matrix
(if the process is of dimension
), stored in hierarchical format (H-Matrix)
- HMatrix
This method is similar to the
method. This method requires that requires that OpenTURNS has been compiled with the hmat library. The method is helpful for very large parameters (Mesh, grid, Sample) because it compresses data.
- discretizeHMatrix(*args)¶
Discretize the covariance function on a given mesh using HMatrix result.
- Parameters:
- where
Container of the discretization vertices
- hmatParam
Parameter values for the HMatrix
- where
- Returns:
- HMatrix
Covariance matrix
(if the process is of dimension
), stored in hierarchical format (H-Matrix)
- HMatrix
This method is similar to the
method. This method requires that OpenTURNS has been compiled with the hmat library. The method is helpful for very large parameters (Mesh, grid, Sample) because it compresses data.
- discretizeRow(vertices, p)¶
- draw(*args)¶
Draw a specific component of the covariance model with input dimension 1.
- Parameters:
- rowIndexint,
The row index of the component to draw. Default value is 0.
- columnIndex: int, :math:`0 leq columnIndex < dimension`
The column index of the component to draw. Default value is 0.
- tMinfloat
The lower bound of the range over which the model is plotted. Default value is CovarianceModel-DefaultTMin in
.- tMaxfloat
The upper bound of the range over which the model is plotted. Default value is CovarianceModel-DefaultTMax in
.- pointNumberint,
The discretization of the range
over which the model is plotted. Default value is CovarianceModel-DefaultPointNumber in class:~openturns.ResourceMap.
- asStationarybool
Flag to tell if the model has to be plotted as a stationary model, ie as a function of the lag
if equals to True, or as a non-stationary model, ie as a function of
if equals to False. Default value is True.
- correlationFlagbool
Flag to tell if the model has to be plotted as a correlation function if equals to True or as a covariance function if equals to False. Default value is False.
- rowIndexint,
- Returns:
- graph
A graph containing a unique curve if asStationary=True and if the model is actually a stationary model, or containing the iso-values of the model if asStationary=False or if the model is nonstationary.
- graph
- getActiveParameter()¶
Accessor to the active parameter set.
In the context of kriging, it allows one to choose which hyperparameters are tuned.
- Returns:
- active
Indices of the active parameters.
- active
- getAmplitude()¶
Get the amplitude parameter
of the covariance function.
- Returns:
- amplitude
The amplitude parameter
of the covariance function.
- amplitude
- getClassName()¶
Accessor to the object’s name.
- Returns:
- class_namestr
The object class name (object.__class__.__name__).
- getCollection()¶
Covariance model collection accessor.
- Returns:
- collsequence of
- collsequence of
- getFullParameter()¶
Get the full parameters of the covariance function.
- Returns:
- parameter
List the full parameter of the covariance function i.e. scale parameter
, the the amplitude parameter
, the Spatial correlation parameter
; and potential other parameter depending on the model;
- parameter
- getFullParameterDescription()¶
Get the description full parameters of the covariance function.
- Returns:
- description
Description of the full parameter of the covariance function.
- description
- getId()¶
Accessor to the object’s id.
- Returns:
- idint
Internal unique identifier.
- getInputDimension()¶
Get the input dimension
of the covariance function.
- Returns:
- inputDimensionint
Spatial dimension
of the covariance function.
- getMarginal(index)¶
Get the ith marginal of the model.
- Returns:
- marginalint or sequence of int
index of marginal of the model.
- getName()¶
Accessor to the object’s name.
- Returns:
- namestr
The name of the object.
- getNuggetFactor()¶
Accessor to the nugget factor.
This parameter allows smooth predictions from noisy data. The nugget is added to the diagonal of the assumed training covariance (thanks to discretize) and acts as a Tikhonov regularization in the problem.
- Returns:
- nuggetFactorfloat
Nugget factor used to model the observation error variance.
- getOutputCorrelation()¶
Get the spatial correlation matrix
of the covariance function.
- Returns:
- spatialCorrelation
Correlation matrix
- spatialCorrelation
- getOutputDimension()¶
Get the dimension
of the covariance function.
- Returns:
- dint
such that
This is the dimension of the process
- getParameter()¶
Get the parameters of the covariance function.
- Returns:
- parameters
List of the scale parameter
and the amplitude parameter
of the covariance function.
The other specific parameters are not included.
- parameters
- getParameterDescription()¶
Get the description of the covariance function parameters.
- Returns:
- descriptionParam
Description of the components of the parameters obtained with the getParameter method..
- descriptionParam
- getScale()¶
Get the scale parameter
of the covariance function.
- Returns:
- scale
The scale parameter
used in the covariance function.
- scale
- getShadowedId()¶
Accessor to the object’s shadowed id.
- Returns:
- idint
Internal unique identifier.
- getVisibility()¶
Accessor to the object’s visibility state.
- Returns:
- visiblebool
Visibility flag.
- hasName()¶
Test if the object is named.
- Returns:
- hasNamebool
True if the name is not empty.
- hasVisibleName()¶
Test if the object has a distinguishable name.
- Returns:
- hasVisibleNamebool
True if the name is not empty and not the default one.
- isDiagonal()¶
Test whether the model is diagonal or not.
- Returns:
- isDiagonalbool
True if the model is diagonal.
- isStationary()¶
Test whether the model is stationary or not.
- Returns:
- isStationarybool
True if the model is stationary.
The covariance function
is stationary when it is invariant by translation:
We note
- parameterGradient(s, t)¶
Compute the gradient according to the parameters.
- Parameters:
- s, tsequences of float
Multivariate index
- Returns:
- gradient
Gradient of the function according to the parameters.
- gradient
- partialGradient(s, t)¶
Compute the gradient of the covariance function.
- Parameters:
- s, tfloats or sequences of float
Multivariate index
- Returns:
- gradient
Gradient of the covariance function.
- gradient
- setActiveParameter(active)¶
Accessor to the active parameter set.
In the context of kriging, it allows one to choose which hyperparameters are tuned.
- Parameters:
- activesequence of int
Indices of the active parameters.
- setAmplitude(amplitude)¶
Set the amplitude parameter
of the covariance function.
- Parameters:
- amplitude
The amplitude parameter
to be used in the covariance function. Its size must be equal to the dimension of the covariance function.
- amplitude
- setFullParameter(parameter)¶
Set the full parameters of the covariance function.
- Parameters:
- parameter
List the full parameter of the covariance function i.e. scale parameter
, the the amplitude parameter
, the Spatial correlation parameter
; and potential other parameter depending on the model;
Must be at least of dimension
- parameter
- setName(name)¶
Accessor to the object’s name.
- Parameters:
- namestr
The name of the object.
- setNuggetFactor(nuggetFactor)¶
Set the nugget factor for the variance of the observation error.
Acts on the discretized covariance matrix.
- Parameters:
- nuggetFactorfloat
nugget factor to be used to model the variance of the observation error.
- setOutputCorrelation(correlation)¶
Set the spatial correlation matrix
of the covariance function.
- Parameters:
- spatialCorrelation
Correlation matrix
- spatialCorrelation
- setParameter(parameter)¶
Set the parameters of the covariance function.
- Parameters:
- parameters
List of the scale parameter
and the amplitude parameter
of the covariance function.
Must be of dimension
- parameters
- setScale(scale)¶
Set the scale parameter
of the covariance function.
- Parameters:
- scale
The scale parameter
to be used in the covariance function. Its size must be equal to the input dimension of the covariance function.
- scale
- setShadowedId(id)¶
Accessor to the object’s shadowed id.
- Parameters:
- idint
Internal unique identifier.
- setVisibility(visible)¶
Accessor to the object’s visibility state.
- Parameters:
- visiblebool
Visibility flag.