R-S analysis and 2D graphics

The objective of this example is to present the R-S problem. We also present graphic elements for the visualization of the limit state surface in 2 dimensions.

import openturns as ot
import openturns.viewer as otv
import otbenchmark as otb
problem = otb.RminusSReliability()
event = problem.getEvent()
g = event.getFunction()

Create the Monte-Carlo algorithm

algoProb = ot.ProbabilitySimulationAlgorithm(event)

Get the results

resultAlgo = algoProb.getResult()
neval = g.getEvaluationCallsNumber()
print("Number of function calls = %d" % (neval))
pf = resultAlgo.getProbabilityEstimate()
print("Failure Probability = %.4f" % (pf))
level = 0.95
c95 = resultAlgo.getConfidenceLength(level)
pmin = pf - 0.5 * c95
pmax = pf + 0.5 * c95
print("%.1f %% confidence interval :[%.4f,%.4f] " % (level * 100, pmin, pmax))
Number of function calls = 1000
Failure Probability = 0.0880
95.0 % confidence interval :[0.0704,0.1056]

Plot the contours of the function

inputVector = event.getAntecedent()
distribution = inputVector.getDistribution()
R = distribution.getMarginal(0)
S = distribution.getMarginal(1)
alphaMin = 0.001
alphaMax = 1 - alphaMin
lowerBound = ot.Point([R.computeQuantile(alphaMin)[0], S.computeQuantile(alphaMin)[0]])
upperBound = ot.Point([R.computeQuantile(alphaMax)[0], S.computeQuantile(alphaMax)[0]])
nbPoints = [100, 100]
_ = otv.View(g.draw(lowerBound, upperBound, nbPoints))
y0 as a function of (R,S)
Y = R - S
  • name=Normal
  • dimension=1
  • weight=1
  • range=]-inf (-8.81962), (12.8196) +inf[
  • description=[X0]
  • isParallel=true
  • isCopula=false

_ = otv.View(Y.drawPDF())
plot case rs

Visualise the safe and unsafe regions on a sample

sampleSize = 500
drawEvent = otb.DrawEvent(event)
cloud = drawEvent.drawSampleCrossCut(sampleSize)
_ = otv.View(cloud)
Points X s.t. g(X) < 0.0

Draw the limit state surface

bounds = ot.Interval(lowerBound, upperBound)
class=Interval name=Unnamed dimension=2 lower bound=class=Point name=Unnamed dimension=2 values=[0.909768,-1.09023] upper bound=class=Point name=Unnamed dimension=2 values=[7.09023,5.09023] finite lower bound=[1,1] finite upper bound=[1,1]

graph = drawEvent.drawLimitStateCrossCut(bounds)
_ = otv.View(graph)
Limit state surface

Fill the event domain with a color

domain = drawEvent.fillEventCrossCut(bounds)
_ = otv.View(domain)
Domain where g(x) < 0.0
domain.setLegends(["", ""])
_ = otv.View(domain)
Domain where g(x) < 0.0

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.764 seconds)