
class TempWorkDir(base_temp_work_dir=None, prefix='run-', cleanup=False, transfer=None)

Implement a context manager that creates a temporary working directory.

Create a temporary working directory on base_temp_work_dir preceded by prefix and clean up at the exit if necessary. See: http://sametmax.com/les-context-managers-et-le-mot-cle-with-en-python/

base_temp_work_dirstr (optional)

Root path where the temporary working directory will be created. If None, it will default to the platform dependant temporary working directory Default = None

prefixstr (optional)

String that preceeds the directory name. Default = ‘run-’

cleanupbool (optional)

If True erase the directory and its children at the exit. Default = False

transferlist (optional)

List of files or folders to transfer to the temporary working directory


In the following example, everything that is executed inside the with environment will happen at a temporary working directory created at /tmp with /run- as a prefix. The created directory will be erased upon the exit of the with environment and python will go back to the preceding working directory, even if an Exception is raised.

>>> import otwrapy as otw
>>> import os
>>> print "I'm on my project directory"
>>> print os.getcwd()
>>> with otw.TempWorkDir('/tmp', prefix='run-', cleanup=True):
>>>     #
>>>     # Do stuff
>>>     #
>>>     print "..."
>>>     print "Now I'm in a temporary directory"
>>>     print os.getcwd()
>>>     print "..."
>>> print "I'm back to my project directory :"
>>> print os.getcwd()
I'm on my project directory
Now I'm in a temporary directory
I'm back to my project directory :
__init__(base_temp_work_dir=None, prefix='run-', cleanup=False, transfer=None)


__init__([base_temp_work_dir, prefix, ...])