Documentation of the API

This is the user manual for the Python bindings to the otwrapy library.

Parallelizer(wrapper[, backend, n_cpus, ...])

Parallelize a Wrapper using 'ipyparallel', 'joblib', 'pathos' or 'multiprocessing'.

TempWorkDir([base_temp_work_dir, prefix, ...])

Implement a context manager that creates a temporary working directory.

Debug(logger[, loglevel])

Decorator that catches exceptions inside a function and logs them.

FunctionDecorator([enableCache, doc])

Convert an OpenTURNSPythonFunction into a Function.

dump_array(array, filename[, compress])

Dump an array to a (possibly compressed) file.

load_array(filename[, compressed])

Load a (possibly compressed) pickled array.


Make a directory without raising an error if it exists.

create_logger(logfile[, loglevel])

Create a logger with a FileHandler at the given loglevel.