The Metropolis-Hastings AlgorithmΒΆ
Markov chain. Considering a -algebra
, a Markov chain is a process
such that
An example is the random walk for which
where the steps
are independent and identically distributed.
For all
is measurable;
For all
is a probability distribution on
The kernel has density
denotes the probability distribution of the Markov Chain
denotes the probability distribution of
denotes the mapping defined by
for all
Then the notation used here is .
-invariant if
-irreducible if,
such that
Markov Chain Monte-Carlo techniques allows one to sample and integrate
according to a distribution which is only known up to a
multiplicative constant. This situation is common in Bayesian statistics
where the βtargetβ distribution, the posterior one
, is proportional
to the product of prior and likelihood: see equation (1).
In particular, given a βtargetβ distribution and a
-irreducible kernel transition
, the
Metropolis-Hastings algorithm produces a Markov chain
of distribution
with the
following properties:
the transition kernel of the Markov chain is
the Markov chain satisfies the ergodic theorem: let
be a real-valued function such that
, then, whatever the initial distribution
In that sense, simulating amounts to
sampling according to
and can be used to integrate relatively
to the probability measure
. Let us remark that the ergodic
theorem implies that
almost surely.
By abusing the notation, represents, in the remainder of
this section, a function of
which is proportional to the PDF
of the target distribution
. Given a transition kernel
of density
, the scheme of the Metropolis-Hastings
algorithm is the following (lower case letters are used hereafter for
both random variables and realizations as usual in the Bayesian
and set
Draw a candidate for
according to the given transition kernel
Compute the ratio
; if
then set
, otherwise set
and go back to 1).
Of course, if is replaced by a different function of
which is proportional to it, the algorithm keeps unchanged, since
only takes part in the latter in the ratio
. Moreover, if
some candidates in a uniform manner (constant density
), the
is accepted according to a ratio
which reduces to the previous βnaturalβ ratio
of PDF. The introduction of
in the ratio
prevents from the bias of a
non-uniform proposition of candidates which would favor some areas of
The -invariance is ensured by the symmetry of the expression of
In practice, is specified as a random walk
such that
) or as a
independent sampling (
such that
), or as a mixture of random walk and
independent sampling.