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- class FunctionalChaosSobolIndices(*args)¶
Sensitivity analysis based on functional chaos expansion.
- Parameters:
- result
A functional chaos result resulting from a polynomial chaos expansion.
- result
Accessor to the object's name.
Accessor to the functional chaos result.
()Accessor to the object's name.
([marginalIndex])Get the part of variance corresponding to each multi-index.
(variableIndices[, ...])Get the Sobol' first order closed index of a group of input variables.
(variableIndices[, ...])Get the Sobol' total index of a group of input variables.
(*args)Get the first order Sobol' index of an input variable or the interaction (high order) index of a group of variables.
(*args)Get the Sobol' total index of an input variable or the total interaction index of a group of input variables.
()Test if the object is named.
(name)Accessor to the object's name.
This structure is created from a
in order to evaluate the Sobol’ indices associated to the polynomial chaos expansion of the model. TheDrawSobolIndices()
static method can be used to draw the indices.This class provides methods to estimate the Sobol’ indices which are presented in Sensitivity analysis using Sobol’ indices. These indices can be easily computed from the polynomial chaos expansion using the methods presented in Sensitivity analysis using Sobol’ indices from polynomial chaos expansion.
The next table presents the map from the Sobol’ index to the corresponding method.
Single variable or group
Sensitivity Index
One single variable
First order
Group interaction
First order
Total interaction
Group closed
First order closed
Table 1. Sobol’ indices and the corresponding methods.
By default, printing the object will print the Sobol’ indices and the multi-indices ordered by decreasing part of variance. If a multi-index accounts for a smaller part of the variance than some threshold, it is not printed. This threshold can be customized using the FunctionalChaosSobolIndices-VariancePartThreshold key of the
Create a polynomial chaos for the Ishigami function:
>>> import openturns as ot >>> from math import pi >>> import openturns.viewer as otv
Create the function:
>>> ot.RandomGenerator.SetSeed(0) >>> formula = ['sin(X1) + 7. * sin(X2)^2 + 0.1 * X3^4 * sin(X1)'] >>> input_names = ['X1', 'X2', 'X3'] >>> g = ot.SymbolicFunction(input_names, formula)
Create the probabilistic model:
>>> distributionList = [ot.Uniform(-pi, pi)] * 3 >>> distribution = ot.JointDistribution(distributionList)
Create a training sample:
>>> N = 100 >>> inputTrain = distribution.getSample(N) >>> outputTrain = g(inputTrain)
Create the chaos:
>>> chaosalgo = ot.FunctionalChaosAlgorithm(inputTrain, outputTrain, distribution) >>> >>> result = chaosalgo.getResult()
Print Sobol’ indices (see Compute grouped indices for the Ishigami function for details):
>>> chaosSI = ot.FunctionalChaosSobolIndices(result) >>> #print(chaosSI) # Prints a table of multi-indices
Get first order Sobol’ index for X0:
>>> s0 = chaosSI.getSobolIndex(0) >>> print('S(0) = ', s0) S(0) = 0.26...
Get total Sobol’ index for X0:
>>> st0 = chaosSI.getSobolTotalIndex(0) >>> print('ST(0) = ', st0) ST(0) = 0.48...
Get interaction Sobol’ index for the group (X0, X1):
>>> s01 = chaosSI.getSobolIndex([0, 1]) >>> print('S([0, 1]) = ', s01) S([0, 1]) = 0.00...
Get total interaction Sobol’ index for the group (X0, X1):
>>> st01 = chaosSI.getSobolTotalIndex([0, 1]) >>> print('ST([0, 1]) = ', st01) ST([0, 1]) = 0.00...
Get first order Sobol’ index for group [X0,X1]:
>>> sg01 = chaosSI.getSobolGroupedIndex([0,1]) >>> print('SG([0, 1]) = ', sg01) SG([0, 1]) = 0.76...
Get total Sobol’ index for group [X0,X1]:
>>> stg01 = chaosSI.getSobolGroupedTotalIndex([0,1]) >>> print('STG([0, 1]) = ', stg01) STG([0, 1]) = 0.99...
Get the part of variance of first multi-indices:
>>> partOfVariance = chaosSI.getPartOfVariance()
- __init__(*args)¶
- getClassName()¶
Accessor to the object’s name.
- Returns:
- class_namestr
The object class name (object.__class__.__name__).
- getFunctionalChaosResult()¶
Accessor to the functional chaos result.
- Returns:
- functionalChaosResult
The functional chaos result resulting from a polynomial chaos decomposition.
- functionalChaosResult
- getName()¶
Accessor to the object’s name.
- Returns:
- namestr
The name of the object.
- getPartOfVariance(marginalIndex=0)¶
Get the part of variance corresponding to each multi-index.
- Parameters:
- marginalIndexint
Output marginal index. Default value is 0, i.e. the first output.
- Returns:
- partOfVariance
The part of variance partOfVariance[i] of each multi-index, for i = 0, …, indicesSize - 1 where indicesSize is the number of indices. The part of variance of a given multi-index is in the [0, 1] interval. This is a sensitivity index which represents the part of the variance explained by the corresponding function. The sum of part of variances is equal to 1. If the corresponding multi-index has total degree equal to 0, then the corresponding part of variance is equal to zero.
- partOfVariance
- getSobolGroupedIndex(variableIndices, marginalIndex=0)¶
Get the Sobol’ first order closed index of a group of input variables.
the list of variable indices in the group. Therefore, the method computes the first order closed Sobol’ index
of the group
. See Closed first order Sobol’ index of a group of variables for the computation of this sensitivity index based on a PCE.
- Parameters:
- variableIndicessequence of int,
Indice(s) of the variable(s) in the group.
- marginalIndexint
Output marginal index. Default value is 0, i.e. the first output.
- variableIndicessequence of int,
- Returns:
- sfloat
The Sobol’ first order closed index of a group of input variables.
- getSobolGroupedTotalIndex(variableIndices, marginalIndex=0)¶
Get the Sobol’ total index of a group of input variables.
the list of variable indices in the group. Therefore, the method computes the total Sobol’ index
of the group
. See Total Sobol’ index of a group of variables for the computation of this sensitivity index based on a PCE.
- Parameters:
- variableIndicessequence of int,
Indice(s) of the variable(s) in the group.
- marginalIndexint
Output marginal index. Default value is 0, i.e. the first output.
- variableIndicessequence of int,
- Returns:
- sfloat
The Sobol’ total closed index of a group of input variables.
- getSobolIndex(*args)¶
Get the first order Sobol’ index of an input variable or the interaction (high order) index of a group of variables. This function can take a single variable or a group of variables as input argument.
Case 1: single variable. Let
the index of an input variable. Therefore, the method computes the first order Sobol’ index
of the variable
. See First order Sobol’ index of a single variable for the computation of this sensitivity index based on a PCE.
Case 2: group of variables. Let
the list of variable indices in the group. Therefore, the method computes the interaction (high order) Sobol’ index
of the group
. See Interaction Sobol’ index of a group of variables for the computation of this sensitivity index based on a PCE.
- Parameters:
- iint or sequence of int,
Indice(s) of the variable(s).
- marginalIndexint
Output marginal index. Default value is 0, i.e. the first output.
- iint or sequence of int,
- Returns:
- sfloat
The Sobol’ first order index of an input variable or interaction index of a group of input variables.
- getSobolTotalIndex(*args)¶
Get the Sobol’ total index of an input variable or the total interaction index of a group of input variables. This function can take a single variable or a group of variables as input argument.
Case 1: single variable. Let
the index of an input variable. Therefore, the method computes the total index
of the variable
. See Total Sobol’ index of a single variable for the computation of this sensitivity index based on a PCE.
Case 2: group of variables. Let
the list of variable indices in the group. Therefore, the method computes the total interaction (high order) Sobol’ index
of the group
. See Total interaction Sobol’ index of a group of variables for the computation of this sensitivity index based on a PCE.
- Parameters:
- iint or sequence of int,
Indice(s) of the variable(s).
- marginalIndexint
Output marginal index. Default value is 0, i.e. the first output.
- iint or sequence of int,
- Returns:
- sfloat
The Sobol’ total index of an input variable or total interaction index of a group of input variables.
- hasName()¶
Test if the object is named.
- Returns:
- hasNamebool
True if the name is not empty.
- setName(name)¶
Accessor to the object’s name.
- Parameters:
- namestr
The name of the object.
Examples using the class¶
Create a polynomial chaos metamodel from a data set
Create a polynomial chaos for the Ishigami function: a quick start guide to polynomial chaos
Example of sensitivity analyses on the wing weight model