Statistics on sample¶
Building distributions from samples¶
Base class for probability distribution factories. |
Results of distribution estimation. |
Arcsine factory. |
Bernoulli factory. |
Beta factory. |
Binomial factory. |
Burr factory. |
Chi factory. |
Chi-Square factory. |
Dirac factory. |
Dirichlet factory. |
Exponential factory. |
Fisher-Snedecor factory. |
Frechet factory. |
Gamma factory. |
GeneralizedExtremeValue factory. |
Generalized Pareto factory. |
Geometric factory. |
Gumbel factory. |
Histogram factory. |
Inverse Normal factory. |
Non parametric continuous distribution estimation by kernel smoothing. |
Laplace factory. |
Least squares factory. |
Logistic factory. |
Lognormal factory distribution. |
Log Uniform factory. |
Maximum likelihood factory. |
Meixner Distribution factory. |
Estimation by method of moments. |
Multinomial factory. |
Negative Binomial factory. |
Normal factory. |
Pareto factory. |
Poisson factory. |
Rayleigh factory. |
Rice factory. |
Skellam factory. |
Student factory. |
Trapezoidal factory. |
Triangular factory. |
Truncated Normal factory. |
Uniform factory. |
UserDefined factory. |
WeibullMin factory. |
WeibullMax factory. |
Building copulas from samples¶
AliMikhailHaq copula factory. |
BernsteinCopula copula factory. |
Clayton Copula factory. |
Farlie Gumbel Morgenstern Copula factory. |
Frank Copula factory. |
Gumbel Copula factory. |
Normal Copula factory. |
Plackett Copula factory. |
Correlation analysis¶
Correlation evaluation based on the Pearson correlation coefficient. |
Correlation evaluation based on the Spearman correlation coefficient. |
Correlation evaluation based on the Partial Correlation Coefficient. |
Correlation evaluation based on the Partial Rank Correlation Coefficient. |
Correlation evaluation based on the Standard Regression Coefficient. |
Correlation evaluation based on the Standard Rank Regression Coefficient. |
Correlation evaluation based on the Signed Standard Rank Regression Coefficient. |
Sensitivity Analysis¶
Refer to Sensitivity analysis using Sobol indices.
ANalysis of COVAriance method (ANCOVA). |
Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Testing (FAST). |
Sensitivity analysis. |
Sensitivity analysis using Martinez method. |
Sensitivity analysis using Saltelli method. |
Sensitivity analysis using Jansen method. |
Sensitivity analysis using MauntzKucherenko method. |
Experiment to computeSobol’ indices. |
Sobol indices computation using iterative sampling. |
Sobol simulation result. |
Statistical tests¶
Test result data structure. |
Goodness-of-fit metrics & tests¶
Compute the Bayesian information criterion. |
Perform a goodness-of-fit test for 1-d discrete distributions. |
Perform a Kolmogorov goodness-of-fit test for 1-d continuous distributions. |
Evaluate whether a sample follows a normal distribution. |
Evaluate whether a sample follows a normal distribution. |
Graphical tests¶
Draw a Cobweb plot. |
Draw an Henry plot. |
Draw kendall plot. |
Draw a linear model plot. |
Draw a linear model residual plot. |
Draw a QQ-plot. |
Draw a CDF-plot. |
Hypothesis tests¶
Test whether two discrete samples are independent. |
Test whether two discrete samples are independent. |
Test whether two samples have no rank correlation. |
Test whether two discrete samples are independent. |
Test whether two sample have no rank correlation. |
Test whether two discrete samples are independent. |
Test whether two samples have no rank correlation. |
Test whether two samples follows the same distribution. |
Linear model tests¶
Test the nullity of the linear regression model coefficients. |
Test zero mean value of the residual of the linear regression model. |
Test the homoskedasticity of the linear regression model residuals. |
Test the homoskedasticity of the linear regression model residuals. |
Test the autocorrelation of the linear regression model residuals. |
Test whether two discrete samples are not linear. |
Test whether two discrete samples are independent. |
Model selection¶
Select the best model according to the Bayesian information criterion. |
Select the best model according to the goodness-of-fit test. |
Select the best model according to the Kolmogorov goodness-of-fit test. |