Creation of a mesh
Create a linear least squares model
Create a linear least squares model¶
Create a general linear model metamodel¶
Taylor approximations¶
Create a linear model¶
Mixture of experts¶
Over-fitting and model selection¶
Apply a transform or inverse transform on your polynomial chaos¶
Fit a distribution from an input sample¶
Polynomial chaos exploitation¶
Polynomial chaos over database¶
Compute grouped indices for the Ishigami function¶
Validate a polynomial chaos¶
Polynomial chaos graphs¶
Create a polynomial chaos metamodel by integration on the cantilever beam¶
Advanced polynomial chaos construction¶
Create a polynomial chaos metamodel¶
Create a polynomial chaos for the Ishigami function: a quick start guide to polynomial chaos¶
Polynomial chaos is sensitive to the degree¶
Create a metamodel using Kriging¶
Kriging the cantilever beam model¶
Kriging the cantilever beam model using HMAT¶
Configuring an arbitrary trend in Kriging¶
Configuring the trend in Kriging¶
Simulate new trajectories from a kriging metamodel¶
Create a kriging metamodel in one dimension¶
Configure the optimization solver of a kriging algorithm¶
Sequentially adding new points to a kriging¶
Advanced kriging¶
Tensor approximation of the cantilever beam model¶
Viscous free fall: metamodel of a field function¶
Metamodel of a field function¶
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